| | Software Engineering at Google now free online (abseil.io) |
2 points by ingve on April 23, 2021 | past
| | Google Abseil: Tip of the Week #140: C++ Constants: Safe Idioms (abseil.io) |
1 point by joebaf on Sept 14, 2020 | past
| | Test Fixtures, Clarity, and Dataflow (2016) (abseil.io) |
2 points by Eyas on May 9, 2020 | past
| | Non-Atomic Refactoring and Software Sustainability [pdf] (abseil.io) |
1 point by ingve on March 27, 2020 | past
| | Announcing TCMalloc (abseil.io) |
2 points by unbeli on Feb 14, 2020 | past
| | Announcing TCMalloc (abseil.io) |
1 point by jph00 on Feb 13, 2020 | past
| | Abseil: A set of OSS C++ libraries extracted from Google’s internal codebase (abseil.io) |
3 points by goranmoomin on Feb 12, 2020 | past | 1 comment
| | Announcing TCMalloc (abseil.io) |
9 points by ckennelly on Feb 12, 2020 | past | 3 comments
| | Removing / Retiring Flags (abseil.io) |
2 points by UkiahSmith on May 9, 2019 | past
| | Abseil / Flags (abseil.io) |
2 points by isegrim on April 7, 2019 | past
| | What should go into the C++ standard library (2018) (abseil.io) |
71 points by tim_sw on Feb 28, 2019 | past | 88 comments
| | Swiss Tables and absl::Hash (abseil.io) |
80 points by utopcell on Oct 24, 2018 | past | 18 comments
| | Swiss Tables and absl::Hash in Google's Abseil Library (abseil.io) |
5 points by ijpoijpoihpiuoh on Sept 28, 2018 | past
| | Swiss Tables and absl::Hash (abseil.io) |
4 points by matt_d on Sept 27, 2018 | past
| | C++ Coroutine Types (abseil.io) |
6 points by ingve on July 13, 2018 | past
| | Abseil – common libraries collected from Google’s own C++ and Python code base (abseil.io) |
1 point by albertzeyer on June 28, 2018 | past
| | What Should Go into the C++ Standard Library (abseil.io) |
2 points by ingve on Feb 28, 2018 | past | 1 comment
| | totw/126 `make_unique` is the new `new` (abseil.io) |
1 point by tantalor on Nov 27, 2017 | past
| | C++ Tips of the Week (abseil.io) |
212 points by fauigerzigerk on Oct 22, 2017 | past | 34 comments
| | C++ Tips of the Week (abseil.io) |
2 points by ingve on Oct 21, 2017 | past
| | Tip of the Week #122: Test Fixtures, Clarity, and Dataflow (abseil.io) |
1 point by uyoakaoma on Oct 21, 2017 | past
| | Tip of the Week #55: Name Counting and Unique_ptr (abseil.io) |
1 point by uyoakaoma on Oct 21, 2017 | past
| | Introducing Abseil, a New Common Libraries Project (abseil.io) |
4 points by modeless on Sept 26, 2017 | past
| | Abseil – core C++ libraries from Google (abseil.io) |
37 points by packetslave on Sept 26, 2017 | past | 6 comments