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The "don't lie to me" button for a human is asking them, "where did you learn that fact?"

Grounding isn't very different from that.

It is resizable vertically but not horizontally as it doesn't make sense to resize the window horizontally considering the content of settings details panel (the right part of the settings window), you would end up with a lot of empty space if you were able to resize it horizontally.

I wonder if that's something that can be addressed by embedding the right metadata into images/videos? Most people don't bother even checking e.g. Exif data (let alone stripping or otherwise altering it) when reposting content they find online.

https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi looks way more legit than the website

Yes, exactly. So saying "race cannot be meaningfully unambiguously described by a handful of totally discrete categories" is true. Saying it has no biological basis is clearly false, in the same sense that saying "color has no physical basis" is false, just because there is no clear way to exactly determine which pigments or wavelengths should fall into red, green, or blue (or how many and which primary colors there should be).

I want to love hardware as code. I really do. I love infrastructure as code, devops as codezyou nake it. But I just don't think it's ever going to happen. At least not fully. Something about it to me just has to be graphical. Maybe it's the information density, or the fact that circuits are graphs / networks, or maybe it's just habit.

On the topic of autorouters, the post doesn't really go into why there are no open source data sets and why there aren't many open source tools. It's probably no surprise but there's a TON of money in it. The author mentions iphones and 10s of thousands of routes. That's nothing. Modern ICs have billions of transistors and billions of routes with an insanely complicated rule set governing pitch, spacing, jobs, etc. Not to mention the entire time you have to make sure the parasitic resistance and capacitance from the routing doesn't break the timing assumptions.

Cadence and Synopsys probably put billions yearly into R&D and I bet a big chunk goes into "Place & Route". I've heard that licenses for their tools run into the miions of dollars per head per year.

It's kinda like machine translated novels. You have to really be passionate about the novel to endure these kinds of translations. That's when you realize how much work novel translators do to get a coherent result.

Did you know, you can set your wallpapers to be continuously updating and make macs use terabytes of your network in hours or days depending on speed? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255329956

i agree completely

Yep. And then when the DBs are already on the same servers, when there's a need to connect previously unrelated apps to some master data, a shortcut presents itself. The DBA thinks: After all, why not? Why shouldn't I take it?

This is not only applied to Apple's software. The entire software and hardware market including iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Windows, etc. is pressured to release new products with more and more features every year, advertising those new features to facilitate sales. The result is, what was once a simple and cool product has become heavily bloated with unneccessary features.

what if reading the state register gave back the value written?

I've had that experience. Turned out some boards in the wild didn't have the bodge wire that connected the shift register output to the gate that changed the behavior.

It's been a thing for a while.

I believe it’s also optional, so you can turn it off.

I wholeheartedly agree with you and it’s funny reading the replies to your comment.

Basically people just doubling down on everything you just described. I can’t quite put a finger on it but it has a tinge of insecurity or something like that, hope that’s not the case and me just misinterpreting

Their days aren't numbered because they've built a sustainable business with a small team of developers that doesn't require a huge user-base to fund. Arguably if Kagi were more popular it would be worse. Just the fact that they aren't Google and use their own ranking while being small enough to avoid the notice of SEO hackers carries them a long way.

At the airport, on the way to a Linux conference, I wore the Kagi shirt and people initiated conversations due to it.

Not always and not everywhere. I lived in Beijing for 9 years on a subway line (well, after line 10 opened) that would have taken me almost straight to work, but it was so packed I still took a taxi. Maybe the extra lines/capacity makes it more comfortable now, but it wasn’t Tokyo when I was living there.

I hear https://ms.codes/ sells office and stuff.

> I mean despite constant economic growth, something which fundamentally depends on increased energy consumption, the US has decreased emissions per capita by 30% since 1970

And the US population has grown from 203 million in 1970 to 331 million in 2020[0] - an increase of over 60%.

I can have fun with statistics too!

  How do you look at these facts and what you see in them is 
  "The billionaires are destroying our planet and don't care?"
Actions taken by same.

  How do you not see 30% less emissions on 60% more energy 
  usage as a big win for the environment that should be 
How do you not see scientific evidence such as NASA provides?

  Air temperatures on Earth have been rising since the 
  Industrial Revolution. While natural variability plays some 
  part, the preponderance of evidence indicates that human 
  activities—particularly emissions of heat-trapping 
  greenhouse gases—are mostly responsible for making our 
  planet warmer.[1]
0 - https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/dec/popchange...

1 - https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/global-tem...

How do you mean? I’d love to know more about your theories!

I regret constantly hitting my little brother when he was chewing with his mouth open at the dinner table. I was about 13 and had developed misophonia, he must have been 5. Our parents didn't understand it. I didn't understand it. I couldn't control myself for years. He was a sweet boy in a poor and dysfunctional family that also fell apart around that time. At the very least, he deserved a better brother.

Decades later, I still get abruptly and irrationally angry when people smack their lips, though I have learnt to suppress the urge to assault the source of the sound.

I can't eat with my Chinese colleagues. I get that more air makes each bite taste better, but it is hard to eat or even focus when your brain is telling you to rip their heads off to stop the sound.

It's an odd curse to live with, as, aside from the situation with my brother, I have otherwise never hurt or assaulted anyone in my life and am generally regarded as a softy. I have to force myself to sit at the dinner table with my mother when she visits, as she still smacks her lips.

Sone people smack their lips in quick succession when they taste something new, and it drives me up the walls.

I'm glad there is some traction with misophonia research. We need help.

I refused a contract to hire that was talking pager duty.

I saw how they freaked out about things outside the team’s control during business hours. The first time someone called me after 11 pm I was going to get myself fired talking to them.

Better than many crappy from-scratch proprietary vendor compilers at least. At least you can reason some amount about the LLVM forks from whatever LLVM release a compiler is based on.

Sometimes it isn't outright lying. I have had the issues with hardware, API and SDK documentation being subtly different from the product as shipped. With hardware with a mixture of revisions, some conforming to doco and other differing and even their engineers not being clear about which is which.

Most philosophy dept nowadays have fewer undergrads than profs. An entitled liberal arts prof from an elitist university leaving the US for Canada, will improve both nations.

I wasn’t super interested in the topic but enjoyed the style of writing and completed the article.

I learned a few things I hadn’t planned on learning :)

I wonder if there is a correlation with higher priced homes and improved school districts?

massgrave.dev has worked well for me

She's a scientist. Most of the people on here are writing software which is essentially reinventing the wheel over and over. Of course you have a different experience of LLMs.

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