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Stories from July 2, 2017
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1. Largest-ever study of controversial pesticides finds harm to bees (nature.com)
729 points by etiam on July 2, 2017 | 214 comments
2. Minitel: The Online World France Built Before the Web (ieee.org)
352 points by sohkamyung on July 2, 2017 | 107 comments
3. Bitcoin mining on a vintage Xerox Alto: very slow at 1.5 hashes/second (righto.com)
251 points by darwhy on July 2, 2017 | 41 comments
4. Transfer of atomic mass with a photon solves the momentum paradox of light (aalto.fi)
272 points by metafunctor on July 2, 2017 | 52 comments
5. Welcoming Tech Talent from Around the World to France (lafrenchtech.com)
314 points by julien_c on July 2, 2017 | 385 comments
6. Base-4 fractions in Telugu (plover.com)
179 points by pavel_lishin on July 2, 2017 | 39 comments
7. An R package which converts markdown files into mindmaps (github.com/pzhaonet)
126 points by adulau on July 2, 2017 | 44 comments
8. Memory use in CPython and MicroPython (lwn.net)
164 points by signa11 on July 2, 2017 | 65 comments
9. O'Reilly's Decision and Its DRM Implication (scottmeyers.blogspot.com)
185 points by SeanBoocock on July 2, 2017 | 99 comments
10. Resonance NodeGroup: Create complex animated transitions in React (sghall.github.io)
115 points by npm_start on July 2, 2017 | 20 comments
11. What’s in a Continuation (2016) (jlongster.com)
159 points by ianrtracey on July 2, 2017 | 51 comments
12. More Millennials Are Having Strokes (scientificamerican.com)
200 points by indogooner on July 2, 2017 | 183 comments
13. Why a Successful Valley Entrepreneur Started a Tech Incubator in Ghana (capitalandgrowth.org)
109 points by hayksaakian on July 2, 2017 | 45 comments
14. An Adversarial Review of “Adversarial Generation of Natural Language” (medium.com/yoav.goldberg)
119 points by sebg on July 2, 2017 | 29 comments
15. Modi Takes a Leap With India’s Biggest-Ever Tax Overhaul (nytimes.com)
170 points by nileshtrivedi on July 1, 2017 | 126 comments
16. Nuts and Bolts of Multithreaded Programming (2011) (intel.com)
109 points by fspacef on July 2, 2017 | 23 comments
17. Pony: Combining safe memory sharing with Erlang-like actors (ponylang.org)
202 points by samuell on July 1, 2017 | 62 comments
18. How do whales and dolphins sleep without drowning? (scientificamerican.com)
151 points by fanf2 on June 30, 2017 | 35 comments
19. Leveling-Up in Heroes of Might and Magic III (2008) [pdf] (virginia.edu)
117 points by MrJagil on July 2, 2017 | 35 comments
20. Show HN: Fast suffix arrays in Python (louisabraham.github.io)
72 points by Labo333 on July 2, 2017 | 14 comments
21. Way Cooler tiling window manager (way-cooler.org)
158 points by Ianvdl on July 1, 2017 | 98 comments
22. Does Transparency Lead to Pay Compression? (2016) [pdf] (princeton.edu)
67 points by Dowwie on July 1, 2017 | 47 comments
23. Space Junk Solution? Tiny Cubesat to Test New De-Orbiting Thruster (space.com)
58 points by happy-go-lucky on July 2, 2017 | 18 comments
24. What I Learned from Researching Coding Bootcamps (medium.com/bits-and-behavior)
107 points by vyrotek on July 1, 2017 | 70 comments
25. Edge cases to keep in mind when working with text (thedroidsonroids.com)
107 points by submiter_dor on June 30, 2017 | 29 comments
26. Why std::bind can’t be formally deprecated (sdowney.org)
61 points by ingve on July 2, 2017 | 31 comments
27. You don't need a grid framework on top of the CSS grid layout (rachelandrew.co.uk)
150 points by kawera on July 1, 2017 | 49 comments
28. A bus that runs on formic acid (bbc.com)
64 points by happy-go-lucky on June 30, 2017 | 41 comments
29. Generating convincing audio and video of fake events (economist.com)
111 points by sohkamyung on July 2, 2017 | 40 comments
30. 70 job interviews in 17 days (brandonwang.ca)
171 points by dookehster on July 2, 2017 | 101 comments

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