1. | | Thoreau 2.0 (static.pinboard.in) |
331 points by anu_gupta on Sept 28, 2013 | 52 comments
2. | | UTF-8 – "The most elegant hack" (hackaday.com) |
315 points by raldu on Sept 28, 2013 | 174 comments
3. | | N.S.A. Examines Social Networks of U.S. Citizens (nytimes.com) |
268 points by weu on Sept 28, 2013 | 97 comments
4. | | My time with the Steam Controller (tommyrefenes.tumblr.com) |
224 points by zdw on Sept 28, 2013 | 78 comments
5. | | Spaced repetition for study and learning (gwern.net) |
219 points by gwern on Sept 28, 2013 | 111 comments
6. | | Underscore Price Dynamics (marco.org) |
209 points by mh_ on Sept 28, 2013 | 87 comments
7. | | We Like You So Much and Want to Know You Better (nytimes.com) |
180 points by jseliger on Sept 28, 2013 | 56 comments
8. | | GNU 30th anniversary (gnu.org) |
180 points by lelf on Sept 28, 2013 | 16 comments
9. | | RegEx101.com now offers a debugger (regex101.com) |
155 points by Lindrian on Sept 28, 2013 | 30 comments
10. | | Taking PHP Seriously [pdf] (raw.github.com) |
129 points by memla on Sept 28, 2013 | 148 comments
11. | | How Open Should a Startup CEO be with Staff? (bothsidesofthetable.com) |
124 points by _pius on Sept 28, 2013 | 79 comments
12. | | Free Unix (1983) (olduse.net) |
122 points by lelf on Sept 28, 2013 | 35 comments
13. | | Tarsnap logo contest (tarsnap.com) |
113 points by cperciva on Sept 28, 2013 | 125 comments
14. | | Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone (schneier.com) |
106 points by antsar on Sept 28, 2013 | 20 comments
15. | | Gevent For the Working Python Developer (sdiehl.github.io) |
100 points by plessthanpt05 on Sept 28, 2013 | 9 comments
16. | | The Faces of Facebook – Visualizing 1.2 billion Facebook profile images (thefacesoffacebook.com) |
96 points by dshankar on Sept 28, 2013 | 47 comments
17. | | After neighbor’s death, first-time filmmaker declares war on suicide (japantimes.co.jp) |
88 points by kenshiro_o on Sept 28, 2013 | 80 comments
18. | | Ripple is officially open source (ripple.com) |
92 points by npongratz on Sept 28, 2013 | 43 comments
19. | | Inside the fall of BlackBerry: How the smartphone inventor failed to adapt (theglobeandmail.com) |
85 points by r0h1n on Sept 28, 2013 | 88 comments
20. | | FTC publishes a long list of questions it wants to ask “patent trolls” (arstechnica.com) |
80 points by Suraj-Sun on Sept 28, 2013 | 35 comments
21. | | Symbolic Exploit Assistant (SEA) (github.com/neuromancer) |
73 points by neur0mancer on Sept 28, 2013 | 8 comments
22. | | Yet Another Modest Proposal: The Roentgen Standard (1980) (larryniven.net) |
70 points by gwern on Sept 28, 2013 | 13 comments
23. | | The Page-Fault Weird Machine: Lessons in Instruction-less Computation (usenix.org) |
70 points by ColinWright on Sept 28, 2013 | 7 comments
24. | | Revenge of the lizard brain (scientificamerican.com) |
69 points by biggfoot on Sept 28, 2013 | 22 comments
25. | | Is TDD Worth It? (codosaur.us) |
58 points by rbanffy on Sept 28, 2013 | 84 comments
26. | | Why iOS 7 is making some users sick (theguardian.com) |
56 points by jarofgreen on Sept 28, 2013 | 60 comments
27. | | Facebook first level interview for Linux admin position (bsdpunk.blogspot.com) |
55 points by bsdpunk on Sept 28, 2013 | 70 comments
28. | | Keep Saturdays Sacred (steveklabnik.com) |
52 points by steveklabnik on Sept 28, 2013 | 18 comments
29. | | How I Refresh my memory (cringely.com) |
53 points by cyunker on Sept 28, 2013 | 15 comments
30. | | McCutcheon: Unlimited Bribery (unlimitedcorruption.com) |
51 points by jval on Sept 28, 2013 | 15 comments
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