1. | | Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding (kitklarenberg.substack.com) |
52 points by abbracadabbra on Dec 5, 2023 | past | 3 comments
2. | | Harley-Davidson Struggles with Repossessing Bikes from Owners Late with Payments (wsj.com) |
3 points by abbracadabbra on May 4, 2023 | past
3. | | Accounting-Fraud Indicator Signals Coming Economic Trouble (wsj.com) |
1 point by abbracadabbra on March 24, 2023 | past
4. | | NASA tell-all recounts turmoil over private space race (politico.com) |
10 points by abbracadabbra on July 6, 2022 | past
5. | | Scientists Suggest U.S. Embassies Were Hit with High-Power Microwaves (nextgov.com) |
1 point by abbracadabbra on Dec 28, 2020 | past
6. | | No longer afraid of retaliation, app developers join forces to criticize Apple (thehour.com) |
3 points by abbracadabbra on Oct 23, 2020 | past | 2 comments
7. | | Boeing tried to amend bid after guidance from NASA official, raising concerns (washingtonpost.com) |
4 points by abbracadabbra on June 20, 2020 | past
8. | | Fired Florida Data Scientist Launches a Coronavirus Dashboard of Her Own (npr.org) |
2 points by abbracadabbra on June 15, 2020 | past
9. | | HSBC and StanChart back China security law for Hong Kong (reuters.com) |
4 points by abbracadabbra on June 4, 2020 | past
10. | | Google Scholar parses cafeteria menus as scholarly papers (twitter.com/alexanderrklotz) |
2 points by abbracadabbra on April 29, 2020 | past
11. | | Facebook launches Zoom competitor, with built-in special effects (washingtonpost.com) |
11 points by abbracadabbra on April 24, 2020 | past | 1 comment
12. | | Martin Shkreli: In silico screening for potential Covid-19 beta-coronavirus [pdf] (prosperopharma.com) |
2 points by abbracadabbra on April 7, 2020 | past
13. | | The coronavirus pandemic in five powerful charts (nature.com) |
77 points by abbracadabbra on March 25, 2020 | past | 80 comments
14. | | FYI HN: Siri defaults to having permissions for suggestions in every app |
7 points by abbracadabbra on Dec 5, 2019 | past
15. | | Chinese app on Xi’s ideology allows data access to 100M users’ phones (washingtonpost.com) |
4 points by abbracadabbra on Oct 13, 2019 | past
16. | | FBI’s search for information on Americans was in violation of the law (washingtonpost.com) |
5 points by abbracadabbra on Oct 9, 2019 | past
17. | | Richard Stallman Resigns from MIT After Comments He Made about Jeffrey Epstein (cnn.io) |
2 points by abbracadabbra on Sept 17, 2019 | past
18. | | Alleged Russian spy whale is refusing to leave Norwegian port (washingtonpost.com) |
2 points by abbracadabbra on May 2, 2019 | past
19. | | Password Managers: Under the Hood of Secrets Management (securityevaluators.com) |
33 points by abbracadabbra on Feb 20, 2019 | past | 5 comments