1. | | Hacking the Papal Election (schneier.com) |
5 points by cincinnatus on Feb 23, 2013 | past | 1 comment
2. | | Browsers need bytecode (pantuso.com) |
2 points by cincinnatus on Nov 12, 2011 | past | 1 comment
3. | | Apple iTV: The Xerox PARC 'Wall' (p2so.com) |
1 point by cincinnatus on Oct 26, 2011 | past
4. | | Asymco estimates how many iPhones will be upgraded in next year. (asymco.com) |
6 points by cincinnatus on Oct 11, 2011 | past | 3 comments
5. | | Twitter will start wrapping all URLs in t.co regardless of length. (dev.twitter.com) |
5 points by cincinnatus on Oct 10, 2011 | past
6. | | Is Apple Developer Program Enrollment Broken? (pantuso.com) |
2 points by cincinnatus on Sept 19, 2011 | past | 2 comments
7. | | MonoTouch is out, First release from Xamarin (xamarin.com) |
6 points by cincinnatus on July 26, 2011 | past
8. | | Will Microsoft Learn DEC’s Lesson? (microsoft.com) |
4 points by cincinnatus on June 9, 2011 | past
9. | | Rainy Day Roundup (AWS cloud fail lessons) (pantuso.com) |
1 point by cincinnatus on April 24, 2011 | past
10. | | Bizarre bug with the iPad mute switch (pantuso.com) |
4 points by cincinnatus on April 24, 2011 | past
11. | | Ask HN: Any examples of ebooks/zines that break new ground in their new medium? |
1 point by cincinnatus on April 8, 2011 | past
12. | | Yoga (ahem, meditation) shown to halve irregular heartbeat episodes (vancouversun.com) |
1 point by cincinnatus on April 4, 2011 | past
13. | | How to avoid sleep problems caused by Daylight Saving Time (freep.com) |
1 point by cincinnatus on March 12, 2011 | past
14. | | Welcome to the Five Platform World (mobileopportunity.blogspot.com) |
2 points by cincinnatus on Feb 14, 2011 | past
15. | | Is it OK to be a Luddite? (1984) (nytimes.com) |
19 points by cincinnatus on Jan 15, 2011 | past | 6 comments
16. | | Wikileaks, Game Theory, and the Inexorable March of Progress (pantuso.com) |
2 points by cincinnatus on Dec 9, 2010 | past
17. | | Are you improving every day? Or are you a sheep? (pantuso.com) |
40 points by cincinnatus on Dec 5, 2010 | past | 26 comments
18. | | My Windows Live Mesh Cluster Fail (pantuso.com) |
46 points by cincinnatus on Nov 21, 2010 | past | 20 comments
19. | | Anyone doing a funded (or fund-able) startup in Cincinnati? |
2 points by cincinnatus on Nov 3, 2010 | past | 1 comment