1. | | YouTube is down (youtube.com) |
54 points by dlokshin on Nov 18, 2013 | past | 30 comments
2. | | Trace, an action sports monitor (kickstarter.com) |
2 points by dlokshin on Aug 5, 2013 | past
3. | | Instragram hits 80m users (blog.instagram.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on July 26, 2012 | past
4. | | Kim Dotcom releases song against US gov (youtube.com) |
2 points by dlokshin on July 24, 2012 | past
5. | | School Loans on the rise--for Kindergarten (smartmoney.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on March 29, 2012 | past
6. | | Issues with iPhone + Android GPS at high speed and dynamic motion (alpinereplay.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on Feb 3, 2012 | past
7. | | Doing too much as a parent ... harmful? (theatlantic.com) |
2 points by dlokshin on Sept 6, 2011 | past
8. | | Google making us "Dummer" (nbcbayarea.com) |
2 points by dlokshin on July 15, 2011 | past
9. | | Physics of Snowboarding (G-forces during jumps) (alpinereplay.com) |
9 points by dlokshin on June 13, 2011 | past | 4 comments
10. | | Even stock apps on Android are fragmented (UI) (davidlokshin.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on May 4, 2011 | past
11. | | An Explanation of What Might be Going on With Japan's Reactors (davidlokshin.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on March 17, 2011 | past
12. | | Cancer purely man made say scientists (dailymail.co.uk) |
2 points by dlokshin on Oct 15, 2010 | past | 3 comments
13. | | Where does music come from? (theatlantic.com) |
5 points by dlokshin on Sept 20, 2010 | past | 1 comment
14. | | Doubling Lithium-Ion Battery Storage (technologyreview.com) |
3 points by dlokshin on Sept 17, 2010 | past
15. | | U of Florida giving credits for playing Starcraft (thebiglead.com) |
2 points by dlokshin on Sept 2, 2010 | past
16. | | Young women earn *more* than their male counterparts (wsj.com) |
3 points by dlokshin on Sept 1, 2010 | past
17. | | China to build state-owned search engine (thehill.com) |
1 point by dlokshin on Aug 13, 2010 | past
18. | | Amazon losing money on the new Kindles? (wsj.com) |
3 points by dlokshin on July 30, 2010 | past | 1 comment
19. | | iPhone vs. Droid GPS signal quality (davidlokshin.com) |
31 points by dlokshin on July 18, 2010 | past | 34 comments