Do Netflix et al inject "noise" into their recommendation engines? Like 1/10 titles are random rather than based on your preferences in order to break out of "local minimums".
I've heard of "mong" as short for "mongoloid" but I've never heard of "monogo" being used that way. Searching through Google books most of the results for mongo refer to the Mongo people of the Congo. The second most common source is the fictional planet Mongo from the Flash Gordon comics.
It likely originated in rhyming slang where words that rhyme are used as replacement[0]. It isn't the only example in nick names. Bill is a nickname for William and Bob is a nickname for Robert.
Or maybe if they spent less Russia would have defeated them sooner, the war would be over, people could return home, and there would be no more casualties. Or maybe if they spend(really received from US) less then Russia would not have felt threatened and invaded at all. Perhaps if their military spending had ramped up faster then Putin would have decided to invade sooner.
Russia is public ally talking about re-education, and they are shipping thousands of Ukrainians into Russia. Mass graves all over and public statements for years about how the country and its people are illegitimate. Russia never once felt threatened, putin has invaded a new country every 5-10 years his entire reign. Stop justifying it