I mean Russia for example has been busy sabotaging undersea cables and the likes already, it's not like kinetic conflict would necessary be needed for such a scenario. Especially considering there's no direct way of even finding out who did it - no physical presence needed - no tracking like with ships..
.. definitely not for me. I just descend into progressive unconsciousness, dreaming starts way later when I'm already out cold for an hour. Not once have they started when I was falling asleep
Not only of science papers, I recently bought new shampoo and it has a "0% microplastics" label, on its plastic bottle.. it's milking people's emotions for money, like usual
Fun idea. I guess the motivational aspect depends on your salary.. being a SSE in the EU this would rather demotivate me lol. 24k/month? Yeah, that would motivate me as well
Fair point. Maybe I should change the default values, I've set this ones to make sure that on a first visit, everyone would see the counter moves to help understand how the website works
Mine is set way lower than the default, a little under 200 per day and it's more about the little dopamine hit of watching the salary grow even if it’s just a few cents at a time.