For NYC specifically I've been burned many times by Citymapper. It is trying to be clever and parse the messages about service changes, but does it all wrong and in the end gives you wrong directions, leaving you stranded. Sometimes it doesn't show the alerts by MTA at all.
Now that the MTA app is so good and has achieved feature parity with Citymapper, I prefer that for 90% of the time. It doesn't have multi-modal (eg subway + citibike) and doesn't show estimates of uber/lyft prices, but those have not been very useful in my experience.
Citymapper is still ok to quickly check upcoming train or bus departures.
Pretty cool. If you have adguard home and google assistant, you have access to a switch that can enable/disable adguard home protection. So with the homeassistant app you can add that as a quick tile as well. The only caveat is that this will disable it across all devices.
After disabling it on the UI, your device may still cache the DNS records for a few minutes. There's no immediate feedback on whether disabling adblocking changed anything. It is extremely tedious especially for non-technical users, and adds "tech-support" burden to their technical friend/family who set it up in the first place.
I do use a few SmartThings branded zigbee sensors but not the hub. I'm using homeassistant with the sonoff efr32mg21 dongle.
I'm well aware of how terrible SmartThings the company is. I'd suffered through their inadequacies until April 2023 when they deleted my account during a failed backup purge. After 3 months of waiting on their support to unlock my hub I gave up and went to homeassistant.
I clicked on one of these links in Google News, and now I get all the click-baits for the Las Vegas GP such as "Las Vegas GP cancelled?". Jalopnik is one of them, but they are all pretty much trash. This is definitely not HN material.
DJI used to have the "Mimo" app in the play store. It was rated very low, 2.3 stars. The app required users to allow the permission to read the phone's IMEI. If you denied that permission, the app closed. Myself, and I'm sure plenty of others, have reported this to the play store as something against the play store policies. Perhaps Google gave in to the complaints eventually and told DJI, enough is enough with your crap, who knows... And that made DJI say, "enough is enough with _you_, we're big enough to distribute these outside the play store and keep our invasive tracking and permissions".
The drone apps work for me although installing the APKs is annoying and I moved on to litchi anyway. At least my very old spark still works.
The mimo app on the other hand is straight up garbage. The thing never works right if it even connects to the device at all. I regret buying that thing (it's the osmo mobile version 2 or 3). It's so bad I don't think I will ever buy a new dji device.
I love flying my spark but the battery life is trash and my Air 2 isn't fun to fly (it's more of a utility van than a fun little sports car). I'd love to get a replacement for my spark. It's probably better to just build my own at this point.