True, it depends on the quality of the human on the other side. If it's a mindless front-line support person parroting a script, "did you try restarting the computer?", then I'd take a smarter AI too.
Sometimes a navel can be confused with an event horizon.
Always, always, all-ways wear thick cottony garments so that you remember to pick lint out of your personal "event horizon" - it's a navel! relax, a little - everyone's got one.
AI more likely begins the age of preemptive personalized search . . . a search tailored to people that happens before they even ask for it. Because that's best for consumers. And advertisers.
The people who design policies and processes and factory lines are not the managers anywhere except at tiny startups. Those are completely different skill sets.
If it could go faster than a slow-talking human who needs to re-verify information that someone else already verified? Yes, I'd opt for the AI.