How do people get digitalattack map to show today? I can only see yesterday on there and some people are posting images that say the 15th.
Either way, it's being taken out of context. There are always DDoS attacks like that. The past couple of months has had constant traffic on their timeline.
I actually advise against digital ocean if your privacy is your main concern, as they mention in their terms[0] they will pretty much hand over anything requested.
>they will pretty much hand over anything requested //
It sounds from like they don't really have much to hand over though. If you bring up an instance use it for a VPN, delete the instance. They claim to not have connecting IP addresses, nor the contents of deleted instances (which can be encrypted), nor indeed much beyond your payment & contact details.
But then they could just be claiming that.
Aside, their terms include this gem - after the para noting that "content" covers all "data" and "information":
>You represent that all User Content provided by you is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
So, if you give them any data or information you have to give them all the information, and it has to be accurate and up to date! Cue data dump of all facts in the known universe!! Hang on, that fact was only up to date when you sent it, now it's out of date ... can ... not ... comply ... must ... send ... more ... data ...