Yeah, if you are using Teams, I assume you are working for a “Big Enterprise” company. I work for a company that was born working remotely. We use GSuite which has great support for annotations.
For folks not too familiar with OSM, POI are points of interest, usually shops, parks, water access, restroom, etc. Just one point and a few labels. Much easier to map on the go than sidewalks or buildings that require more precision.
I'd say whether it failed is debatable. My understanding is the best counter bid was building a new system from the ground up... I feel that outcome would have been much worse.
I switched jobs to a small startup, and could choose the laptop model for the first time
Bought the latest generation HP Elitebook G11 to try something else than Lenovo that had crappy trackpads due to the nibble
It has been a disaster in terms of software/BIOS:
* The mic cut off my voice when I was speaking all the time
* The CPU clocked down to ~300 MHz and got stuck there
* External display would not work if I disconnected, came back 30-60 min later, and reconnected. Had to hibernate inbetween
* The display would suddenly dim and be impossible to change
I think all these issues resolved itself with some firmware update released last week, and today I discovered there's an "HP Audio Control" app that by default is set to "conference mode" and "AI noise reduction"
Now I only need to get the built-in 5G modem to work
Would have gotten a Microsoft Surface model, but the selection is very slim in Norway
Hahahaha I had the same problem. Had to buy a vinyl for 80€ and digitilize it. Did upload it then. Now the artist has a bandcamp with the collection for free so sharing is caring
Worst case you may have to pay for Infuse another year, although it would have felt better to donate to the development of the Apple TV app instead