I often get prescribed pain relievers, because I tell my symptoms to doctors, so that they can diagnose the main illness better, not because I need a medication for the pain.
I have started to explicitly also mention, that I'd like to manage my pain without medication.
I think, you may have mistaken his quote on the sequel of the movie "Speed". He said in an interview, that despite having a good working relationship(& chemistry) with Sandra Bullock, he declined the sequel because the movie plot didn't interest him.
"EB-5 program basically enabled Chinese investors to get their green cards through a $500,000 investment in a regional center project, or a $ 1 million direct investment in their own company."
<<--The president’s question touched upon a central conviction at Apple. It isn’t just that workers are cheaper abroad. Rather, Apple’s executives believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products."
Apple executives say that going overseas, at this point, is their only option. One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp iPhone manufacturing just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight.
A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day.
“The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. “There’s no American plant that can match that.”
As a fast reader myself, I can't get myself to listen to audiobooks or podcasts while sitting in one place.
When I'm walking, it doesn't bother me as much, so I listen to them on my morning/evening walk in the park. I finished several books this way.