The "likes/comment" notification is still chronological.
And if you follow around more than 300 accounts, then it's quite difficult to spy.
But if you follow only selected few people(say <50), then yes, it is much easier to spy.
I spent a few months in northern India. Unless you mean way up in the Himalayas northern india is still a lot hotter and more humid than Europe and almost anywhere in North America.
"Nothing happened, even though guidelines that govern behavior on the platform explicitly forbid mocking someone’s physical appearance.
Today, Instagram says, the outcome would have been different. More sophisticated reporting tools and moderators would have quickly shut the account down."
--> This is BS. Just two days ago, I came across an Instagram account, which had photos and videos of a friend & with captions making fun of my friend. I reported the account for bullying and got a reply from Instagram that the reported account doesn't violate it's community guideline.
When reporting an account, there is no way to provide a link of the actual account.(from where the bully copied the content)
<<-- She developed chronic pain because she did not move enough. “I didn’t want to leave my home because I didn’t need to, and everyone was very busy.” -->>
As a loner, I avoid this by making sure I walk 10,000 steps a day. I go for walk in a nearby park, morning and evening, each 45 minutes.
I also use this time, to catch up on music, podcast or anything I can listen to.
> As a loner, I avoid this by making sure I walk 10,000 steps a day.
Can't recommend this enough, though you need to be in a "walkable" enough city. It's one of the best breaks you can take especially if you sit at a desk most of the day.
I love discovering urban nooks and crannies that I would miss if I took a car or train. The Apple Watch or any other tracker that can map your route etc. can help with that a lot.
what do you mean walkable city? a walkable city you do 10k steps without even noticing! a US city that is not NY or boston in summer you have to drive to a park/beach like you would to a gym, do your steps and drive back home.
"Is it ok for one person to dig a well on their property, and say, pump millions of gallons out and sell it?"
--> This is an actual problem in India. The govt made electricity FREE on farm lands. So, now people with farmland dug borewell, pump out water and sell them in tankers in the city, where many apartments don't have municipal water connection.
Water is cheaper for apartments where there is low ground water, as cost of electicity consumption for farmers is nil.
<<--Calling WeChat "a kind of malware", what do you mean by this? I would see a miniscule difference between WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger or whatever.-->>
Wechat doesn't fit the definition of a "malware", but it is a weapon that Chinese govt uses to monitor it's citizens.
<<--Is WeChat actually required in China? I can't find any article to corroborate this claim. Or are you just saying that it's extremely inconvenient to get by without it. One could say the same about Google or Facebook services in the West.-->>
"Apple hasn’t provided any information on the matter and did not respond to requests for comment. But analysts said the most likely interpretation is that the company is giving Beijing access to its operating system source code in return for being able to continue to do business in China—arguably Apple’s most important market, but one that has been imperiled by regulatory obstacles"
Darwin doesn't even remotely resemble MacOS. It's the kernel and open-sourced user-land components. It resembles(but is not at all) a very old FreeBSD-ish system if loaded.
Just out of curiosity, what else if not the kernel would be interesting to copy from MacOS? I use a Mac but just don't have the inclination to learn about it under the hood (unlike Linux). Besides the various apps they include and the graphical / window system, I can think of LaunchD, drivers, but not much more that would be worth a lot to China.
Good high-level mental mode, but it's not a clean separation like that.
Think Open Source Android vs. Google's Android, or Chromium vs. Chrome. It's not just dragging and dropping some UI libraries on top. There's a ton of glue, and sticking shims into non-obvious places that make a lot of the magic happen.