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Is it possible to know if it’s morally right to take & share photos of a person in such a state of starvation and without real permission from the person. My perception thinks it’s cruel as if the existence of the person is for the benefit of human existence to progress but this person was to suffer so harsh for it if so and without any choice in the matter of wanting the photo shared.. if there was any benefit in the end. Also if there is potential positivity for humanity that overrides personal permission, maybe all human dread should be forever documented by some type of medium forever. Seems impossible to know and justify whatever side. Someone could have taken a photo or video of the suicide of the photographer and shared it online. I can assume that would be upsetting but maybe bring awareness more so than what did happen or is writing equivalent?

The cruelty is in causing these scenarios, not documenting them. If anything, sweeping them under the rug by not photographing them makes the situation so much worse, as unseen horrors are much easier to ignore.

Most newspapers have strict rules around reporting suicide specifically to reduce copycats, not out of respect for the dead.

Which, of course, exposes a reality that most media outlets are inadquately contrite about: Most active shooter incidents are indeed suicide attempts, and indeed copycat crimes, which continue to perpetuate specifically due to the attention they are permitted to seize.

Were it not for the horrendous coverage they get, we likely would not have seen nearly as many. So what’s really going on?

This media industry absolutely knows the ramifications of such publicity, and has known what it would feed into from the beginning. They can control themselves. They do it every day. They reduce some catastrophes to a blip or nothing, and amplify others.

Why are active shooter incidents granted such coverage, by a large, tightly controlled apparatus?

I think you’ve hit on a failure point of the media: views more matter now than serving the public.

Exposing a person's misery without their consent is usually not ethical, for example the last stages of someone dying of AIDS. There is nothing to be done and the person deserves some dignity in death.

That is not the same for someone in a critical but reversible or preventable state, their misery is intrinsically a public cry for help and relaying it is similar to shouting "someone is drowning over there", calling attention to their urgent need. For large scale, social issues, an argument can be made that the public good realized outweighs the rights of the anonymous individual used to ilustrate the issue.

As a species, we are hardwired to seek and react to such messages of vulnerability - hence the temptation for the first type of exploitative, undignified depictions of gore.

These things need to be known. I don't think it should require the permission of anyone, whether the subject or the surrounding guerrilla soldiers.

What journalists should (and many do) think about is the impact on the good reputation of the subject. But the child is certainly not victim of any kind of libel here.

I think this is a good solution to the smartphone age questions of "revenge porn" and "creep shots", taking and disseminating photographs of factual events is essentially an act of journalism and should be subject to journalistic ethics.

I think people prefer this mentality when the economy isn't doing so hot. Same goes for people who think they're being treated unfairly by age. The health of the economy is the deciding factor and depending on the health of the particular industry as well. Older developers I've encountered have always been super. Unless they have some ego that tries to claim superiority by "age" equating to more experience; which is never the case.

This is honestly something I look forward to witnessing. Currently it's hard to find detailed financial information for how much a person with whatever diseases ends up being covered per year with costs. I think transparency about coverage is necessary for people being unfairly handled by providers based on their condition being minuscule compared to another disease with a larger population that has better coverage because more advocacy.

I disagree from personal experience. Location of where you are in the US matters. I'm in Montreal right now and the mental healthcare here is superior than what I experienced in the US in Michigan (majority of my life). I would even go as far to write the mental healthcare in USA, which I received ruined my life. If only I had the pleasure of what is available in Canada for my whole life.

The further toward the poles you go, the more mental healthcare is needed, so it makes sense they would have the experience and infrastructure! (Completely serious.)

This isn't necessarily the case with my situation. There was only one hospital for where I lived in Marquette, Michigan. My mental healthcare was pertaining to gender dysphoria and not depression which I think you're associating with longer winters. Anyway place I grew up was filled with religious nuts to make things short. They forcibly prescribed me with antipsychotics while ignoring my right & modern medical approach of gender dysphoria. Montreal is a large city compared to that place and is progressive like California. So basically where you're located when it comes to social structure is huge.

I think small rural town versus major metro center has more to do with the quality than US vs Canada.

It’s no different in Canada - small towns don’t offer as good of care particularly when it’s something that’s not common.

I think I might have heard this at some point in the past.

Anyway, I found a reference to support your claim:

Also consistent with the conclusions of Torrey1 and Saha et al,2 our analyses shown in table 3 found a strong tendency for prevalence to increase with latitude.[1]

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2669590/

I'm not aware from the article of how the illness "schizophrenia" foreshadows all of mental health. My illness being Gender Dysphoria.

Vitamin D deficiency from what I've read is common everywhere. It does make sense that longer winters would impact a person such as staying inside more. Yet I doubt any evidence can confirm lack of Vitamin D is associated with the illness schizophrenia.

Ah, yeah, that's a good point. Schizophrenia is probably a poor proxy for all mental illness.

And there's probably at least quite a few things that aren't mental illness that benefit from mental healthcare.

I'm hopeful the doctrine of panpsychism ends up being true. I prefer the idea of my laptop equally having a consciousness as me and in some ways it's calming than the contrary possibility. If reality is just one deterministic system, it's reassuring to think of the system being designed for having universal observation and while still predetermined nothing is left out of its role in the stories unraveled.

I think panpsychism is a bad approach. If we look at consciousness as we encounter it in nature, it seems to be a property of self replicators in their competition for life and reproduction. So it can't be a property of laptops, unless they are self replicating laptops responsible for their own existence. Or could be a property of a virtual entity running in a sim in the laptop, but then it's not consciousness of the same world as ours.

The role of consciousness is to keep the body alive: fend dangers, find food and reproduce. It does that by taking into account the state of the environment and the internal state of the body and acting in such a way as to maximise its own rewards, learning to avoid bad situations along the way. Evolution has shaped the body and rewards in order to maximise survivability. It's interesting to see how surviving bootstraps meaning and consciousness out of itself (and its environment).

That outlook is a product of the way you look at the data, not the data itself.

How are laptops not reproducing? If you looked at the population of laptops in the world when they were first introduced - and then tracked them through the years, they have clearly started reproducing. They even evolved! The basic shape stays the same, but they are clear evolutionary trends, like the taxonomy, outwinning the poor designs, branches of evolutionary traits etc!

Of course you can choose to look at the people that are building them, but how do you actually know that laptops are not "parasites" for example? Or a symbiotic life form like dogs? Yes, individual humans might take specific actions for building specific laptops, but so what, we take actions to raise and walk dogs also. Do we as humans really have a choice of stopping producing laptops? If not, couldn't it be just as easily seen that laptops actually use us to reproduce? Like flowers use bees to reproduce? You don't see flowers as being less alive because bees are ultimately required for them to reproduce?

Sure, one might need to talk more about the design of a laptop, the basic idea of a computer in a portable interface with certain features - not any individual physical laptop as being alive. But why not? People are surely not only alive in a physical sense. Many of the physical differences and transformations actually don't make much difference. It's the inherent internal something (entity? information? idea? soul?) that is more alive than the physical body itself.

The point is, "property of self replicators in their competition for life and reproduction" - is not a very good metric for consciousness. Many people don't see it as coming from the data itself, and more being a predetermined paradigm or outlook on the world, which someone already comes in with, when they look at the data. When someone with another outlook (for example that consciousness actually uses the physical world, including the reproduction cycle) to its own goals, not the other way around - then the data starts supportnig that too. It's all about how to look at it.

I must say this is beautifully written. Our perception of how we view the world is fundamentally important. Self importance with what's observable can create an illusion. How you described objects entering the world, similar to any other process is perfect.

It's arguable to say one thing is encountered in nature unlike something else. Everything from my perception is the product of nature. Example: People tend to view technological advances by humans as different than "plants or animals evolving over time" but I would argue it's no different fundamentally. Objects are functioning with properties they inherently have and from the outside world for seeking an advantage.

The role of consciousness is debatable. People who died by suicide have some significance against the theory of consciousness keeping the body alive. My observation of consciousness makes me consider it an abstract layer of observation & emotions and nothing more. I don't even think emotions have to be there. It's hard to describe and I understand why some people don't even think consciousness is a real thing.

How would the body we able to get sustenance every day without consciousness? We wouldn't be able to find the kitchen. How would we reproduce without it? How would we defend from dangers without it? I think it's pretty clear what the role is. Consciousness is a manifestation of life with the purpose of serving life.

On the other hand, what are emotions? They are predictions of future cumulative rewards/bad situations. The role of emotion is to guide actions, they are not just an 'abstract layer'. And rewards are signals based on circuits designed by evolution, to maximise life.

Difficult questions for anyone to truthfully answer. I’m not aware if you’ve ever had a moment of reflex without thought. I had few I’m aware of and they were either in the best interest of myself, someone else, and even an object. I would think memories resulted in the reflexes and when awareness kicks in only afterwards of the action taken. The relevance is what’s responsible for actions or how maybe an illusion is taking place when it comes to perception of responsibility. The objects in this world may share an equivalent experience. Then there’s the thought of awake compared to the experience of a dream and how the essence is vastly different for me. Emotions are similar. Some humans don’t experience them all compared to the majority. I think of emotions similar to breathing from conception. Something is triggering it by association to pattern recognition. Anyway hard to answer something that’s hard even theorizing about.

Even the most mainstream science already has big issues with the idea of "determinism". Many people still assume that determinism is the main paradigm, but actually it has not been for a while, with the introudction of the chaos theory.

Chaos theory is a very challenging and interesting concept which you should check out, but one of the most mundane outcomes of it is that there is no way to predict the physical world. No way to see what is going to happen. Now, obviously one could predict a simple neutonian mechanical system for a 10 second-period, or predict enough of electrical impulses in a piece of designed silicon to make a functional processor - but in general, in the widest sense, there is no way to predict the universe. Even with the assumption that there is some completely determined process at the microscopic core of every interaction - those processes, when combined into big systems, wired up with feedback loops and put in a system so tiny that one has to had a machine 2 times bigger than the original system in the first place: and we arrive at total unpredictability of the universe.

Note, this is not just practical unpredictability: the question is not about us not having enough technical prowess to predict the universe. The issue is that it is physically impossible to build any real prediction machine that would predic the whole thing: you would need a bigger universe than the universe it is trying to predict. It is even a logical contradiction!

Thus determinism becomes more of a philosophical outlook than an actual physical property that could be calculated, predicted etc.

Even the word itself - "determinism". Assumnig that the fate, the outcome of something is determined. In what way can it be determined if we know that it is physically impossible to determine it? Not because we lack machines or havent built a strong enough microscope. Our very own scientific paradigm, the scientific method, the way of thinking about the universe - the thing that lies at the core of our worldview - says that it is impossible to predict the whole system. Absolutely impossible. So it is unpredictable - ergo undetermined.

And yet, we can predict certain things with surprising accuracy.

The fallacy is thinking that we must predict an exact state vs. a probabilistic prediction of an information-theoretically meaningful set of states. Reality is metastable, so there are certain attractor states, even if randomness is injected throughout.

I have no idea the exact second my plane is going to land tomorrow, but I’m reasonably confident it will land, and I’m very confident that the United States will still exist tomorrow.

I have no idea if the United States will exist in 10,000 years, but I’m pretty sure Earth will still be a rock orbiting the Sun at that time.

And so on.

I'm sorry if I didn't understand you reply, - I think you wrote is very obvious and I though i adressed that with the simple neutonian system reference.

Using your analogy, whether United States will exist in 10000 years might actually be undetermined. Not just unknown, unpredicted, but undetermined in the chaos theory- sense. Not only you don't know it - the universe itself does not know it. And the universe is built in such a way that it is impossible to know. Not just "very hard and requires a lot of computation". Impossible, because we can show that the computations you would need would require a computer bigger than the universe itself.

Then there is of course an extra note required here is that there is no way for me as a human to know if the question about United States actually is universally undetermined - or just unpredicted; if there is some entity that can predict that. But the chaos theory says that many aspects of the system, and the system as a whole is undetermined. (While having exceptions where simple things like your plane landing can be predicted with some accuracy, yes.)

I believe you are mixing things up. A chaotic system IS deterministic, it is just really hard to predict what it will do. The fact that we (or anyone) cannot predict what will happen in our world says nothing about it being deterministic. If you are talking about practical determinism only then yes, you are most likely correct and we'll never be able to predict the future. But it is misleading and incorrect to say that the world is not deterministic just because we cannot predict its behavior.

I just outlined the argument where I show exactly how not being able to predict it means in effect that it is not deterministic. Can you provide some logic against that argument? (So far you just said you don't agree.)

Also please note, and I repeat myself that I argue there is a great difference between "really hard to predict" and "physically impossible to predict for any being, based on our own notion of the universe".

I am not sure what kind of argument you would like, you are trying to redefine the word 'deterministic'. My argument is that it does not work like that. Just because we cannot predict something does NOT mean that it is not deterministic. Even if it is physically impossible to predict it for anyone it still can be deterministic. That's just how this concept works. In practice this means nothing, so I think we can end this debate because you are surely not convincing me and I doubt I can convince you:)

I am interested, what is the definition of determinism that you are using?

If it "means nothing in practice", and can be true/not true regardless of whether it is possible (even in theory) to test it - then I assume that it is unrelated to science and you are using it in a philosophical sense?

> Can you provide some logic against that argument?

Turing machines are deterministic. Enumerating all Turing machines is deterministic. Whether any given Turing machine will terminate is unpredictable (the Halting problem).

Unpredictability does not entail nondeterminism, although distinguishing the two is not necessarily always possible.

But turing machines are theoretical concepts. The physical processors we have - are only physical approximations of a theoretical concepts - and if the argument was made for the view of "determinism" that I outlined - it would be about the physical processor, the physical world itself.

Paraphrasing, the theoretical image of an atom, as well as the set of atoms and other particles - is perfectly deterministic. But the chaos theory talks about the real world, not the theoretical framework.

The concept of determinism has no physical limits. Don't try to redefine standard terminology.

The concept has no limits, true. The physical world does.

I'm not sure how you assume chaos theory creates big issues with determinism and with what you wrote. I wouldn't agree with someone how an impossibility, "for beings inside a system of predicting how the full system will function" as conflicting with determinism. Even when a deterministic system is influenced by an outside deterministic system holding variables hidden to the initial system. I wouldn't described as undetermined by human language and write off determinism. I would say it's personal perception and arguable. Similarly I don't believe a defeatist mentality should be adopted with understanding chaos theory towards determinism. To me that would be taking an early stance, limited by our current knowledge and tools. Absolute impossible seems arrogant.

There is nothing defeatist about it. It's about finding the nature of the universe. I don't know why if a certain model of the universe would show up as being less accurate than another model - anyone would that "defeatist". I think it is important as scientist to not lock oneself to a specific model and think that it is defeatist if that one model shows up to be incorrect.

Well I wouldn't say a deterministic model has been shown to be incorrect. It may come down to what is most measurable and what we decide to lean towards but I think it's way too early for that judgement. I would find it interesting if one day I go around without a determinism perception towards everything. I just haven't been able to do it with what I've read and thought about. I don't think I'm stubborn either!

It doesn't do any good to redefine determinism to suit your argument.

I’m writing from a hard determinist mindset. I would argue that whatever is done in life is the will of God. Since choices are an illusion around oneself believing in free will. So basically life is predetermanism for every cause & effect. The phrase playing God just makes me think of something similar to how a bunch of game programmers have already created a simplified replication. The Sims. Who is to say the sims are any different than us. Anyway the create anything out of nothing is symbolic. I really do like your last sentence “last paragraph” and made me want to reply with mentioning this.

It’s interesting... I like to think that we have freedom to make decisions within the “hard bounds” of the system. I don’t think the existence of “hard bounds” indicate a system’s lack of potential for free will to exist. I do think “bounds” can limit an agents Choice, but not their ability to make a decision. Our current existence/system appears bounded in some aspects and unbounded in others. As we learn more, ideas and perception will be adjusted.

Yah free will believers like to think they have choices/decisions in the system. The reality is no, when you become the person you are now from every preceding event making you the person you are now. I would only see the possibility of persons having responsibility or free will if they decided to live this life before birth and with beforehand knowledge of how everything would play out. The illustration of how a deterministic system is similar to clockwork with every part being moved by the whole clock is helpful. If something outside the system does something to the clock and makes the parts believe the reaction has no deterministic essence from the clock, such as quantum theory may show.. well it still doesn’t change everything being outside the control of the clock but is just hidden variables to the clock system, inobservable until it happens and would be like god deciding to alter the determanistic system slightly.

That is logic, even if we cannot fully comprehend the system yet.

Call it that if you want to, but I’d be rather unhappy if that was how machine code worked.

I wouldn’t compare it to machine code alone and for it to be considered following under rules that can be broken down fundamentally to appeasing what we define as logic. I think of recursive functions calling other recursive functions with returning variables that effect the whole mess of a system when I read the perverse alterations to the animals in the article.

Atrocities happen because the systems encompassing us are not perfect. Problems arise because we humans decide to live under the imperfect systems; vastly different by where on earth you happen to be. Metaphorically it's like when you travel, you're navigating into a new realm and where the game rules are completely rewritten for whatever the outcome will be and with whatever consequences. My intuition thinks this is a problem. The differences keep the world beautiful but separate us fundamentally in how things are handled.

I've been a victim of of a situation, that would not have happened if I had not been where I was and had been in a different country. I know it was an atrocity and in 100 years I could easily see people not believing it had happened & even today I've seen doubts.

Individuals are prone to question every possible situation with vastly different personal ideas. It's how great things come about. Disbelieving is also a result for some individuals and maybe it's dangerous but it's part of the equation. My assumption is energy should be focused towards making the systems around the globe more similar with trying to keep culture intact. Although the world may be safer for everyone without culture and just one nationality.

Lastly I think we have people disbelieving atrocities because compassion is piss poor compared to what we're capable of. People will focus only on themselves when the systems don't care about societies health (depending on where you live) and results in people being delusional or disbelieving what's in fact reality.

How is $4,600 justified for a rectal probe. United States has zero compassion for its citizens if it allows medical bills to exceed reasonable financial means of the average citizen. The average citizen only has so much in a lifetime for emergency funds. No rectal probe should take such a portion away.

> Voltaire: “My good friend, I no more believe in the eternity of hell than yourself; but recollect that it may be no bad thing, perhaps, for your servant, your tailor, and your lawyer to believe in it.”

I'm not sure why humans have to dream up a Hell or Heaven after death. It appears to be obstinate refusal of observing what's right in front of them.. On what we call earth. You can either observe someone in Hell or Heaven and it's not like anyone has any real control over the matter. My whole life was pointed in one direction and there has never been any choice for me. /determinist

I think it's a bad thing to believe in afterlife and when what's in front of you is all that should be considered. Reason being, maybe it prolongs people having to be in Hell and not just Heaven.

>I'm not sure why humans have to dream up a Hell or Heaven after death.

Weird way to exclude yourself, but ok.

The article to me explained that the idea of heaven and hell is a manifestation of justice. That even if YOU can’t do anything to them, bad people will eventually suffer and good people will eventually be rewarded. Nicer to believe than the alternative. Did you read the article?

Is it nicer than the alternative? Many people are perfectly ok with death being the end. Many people don't need some affirmation of themselves or others to believe in.

Also, wishing for the unending torture for someone who's slighted you is a very non-christian, non-most-religeons way of thinking.

>Also, wishing for the unending torture for someone who's slighted you is a very non-christian, non-most-religeons way of thinking.

You know it’s pretty much a key tenant of Christianity to pray for the souls of those that have harmed you or others right?

Is it necessary to observe the tenets of Christianity to call oneself a Christian? Anecdotally, I find little evidence for it. People mostly use their religion to validate their pre-existing lifestyles, not to redesign them.

Imagining a torment for someone who has wronged you is a rather effective method of ablating away the desire to enact revenge physically. It also leaves more room for ironic and humorous punishments.

"Dear theological construct, please take mercy on this guy who cut me off in traffic after driving on the hard shoulder to pass a bunch of stopped cars, and do not send him to a punishment in Hell wherein other cars are freely zooming around on the highway, while his is perpetually boxed in by semis and garbage trucks. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Amen."

My understanding is that that's only Catholics and, only for those in purgatory. However, it's never been clear to my why the petitions help the person.

> My understanding is that that's only Catholics

No, it mostly just some subset of Protestants that reject it (the practice is common, as well as in Roman Catholicism and some Protestant communities, in the Eastern and Oriental [despite etymological similarity, these are not synonyms] Orthodox Churches, and, apparently, the Assyrian Church of the East.)

> and, only for those in purgatory.

It's true that in the Catholic tradition, there is a special connection between prayers for the dead and purgatory (arguably, purgatory as a doctrine is a Catholic explanation for the ancient Christian practice of prayers for the dead.)

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