Exporting our broken form of governing, which is rife with corruption, mismanagement, unresponsive to the majority of the population, and defaults to redirecting money from the poorest to the richest, is the goal of western monopoly capital.
Basically "Our broken system allowed capital to rob 400 million people, let's utilize it in robbing 1.4 billion Chinese people next..."
Any idea that the American and European elite are pushing this for "benevolent purposes" flies in the face of a few centuries of well documented western history.
I'd invite you to look at https://ourworldindata.org/, and in particular the effects of capitalist and democratic reforms on the health, wealth and happiness of nations.
Every claim you make here has no basis in fact. And is mostly just symptomatic of a partisan political disagreement in a western democracy.
Reddit's definition seems more contextual, it weighs the dynamics of current economic, cultural, institutional, etc... racism
Here is the Oxford dictionary definition:
"The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. More widely, the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as ‘typical’ of particular peoples. The category of race may itself be challenged, as implying an inference from trivial superficial differences of appearance to allegedly significant underlying differences of nature; increasingly evolutionary evidence suggests that the dispersal of one original people into different geographical locations is a relatively recent and genetically insignificant matter."
>This is actually great news, China is returning to a pre-western interference/corruption state.
>In the end it seems the phony protests and other types of agitation funded by western intelligence agencies and capital weren't successful.
>99% sure China's remaining illegal drug problem is further reduced thanks to this news. The criminals will now have to peddle their garbage elsewhere if all goes according to plan.
>Hopefully Taiwan is next...
Is there any proof these protests were foreign funded? From my understanding this was a grassroots democracy movement.
The most recent accounts I've seen were in Cold Case Hammarskjöld (documentary).
They found a few defectors/whistleblowers that had visited and worked at SAIMR's (South African Institute for Maritime Research) CIA funded labs used to synthesize these bogus vaccines, mainly HIV.
I meant the impairment itself does not impact cash flow (setting aside taxes, can’t comment there). See Verizon Oath write down. Of course this can happen to already distressed firms who are experiencing cash flow issues. It’s just a way of making things appear “even worse” in your books without materially impacting your day to day business.
> Lot of truth to the funding sources for HK protests originating in the west even if the protestors believe in what they are fighting for.
What truth? The protestors don't actually need that much funding [1], and the help they need actually comes from older Hongkongers who are sympathetic to them:
[1] Seems like their equipment typically consists of: an umbrella, a household respirator like the ones used for painting, protective googles, a hard hat, and bottled water. None of that is expensive.
Basically "Our broken system allowed capital to rob 400 million people, let's utilize it in robbing 1.4 billion Chinese people next..."
Any idea that the American and European elite are pushing this for "benevolent purposes" flies in the face of a few centuries of well documented western history.