The growth into managerial roles happens kind of naturally, take more responsibility - become a team lead, take even more responsibility become some sort of manager. It has less to do with knowledge or diplomas more with the desire to take responsibility to be a leader and take responsibility for the others. The only limit here is the amount of responsibility you can handle.
More often, there's nobody worthy for the role, which is why so many companies choose to hire a manager from outside the company rather than promote internally. If the senior managers were truly good, the company would also be growing rapidly, which opens many more manager positions.
This may be true, but these vacant roles are generally limited to candidates who have already performed at that level elsewhere.
It's very difficult to gain a promotion while also moving to an equivalent-or-better company. The easiest move is to go up in role while trading down in company, or up in company but down in role. True career advancement happens through internal promotion, or happens if you "trade up" to an equivalent role at a better company.
While this is true, everything is not cast in stone, people are changing positions and opportunities are rising. The org structure in most places is dynamic, additionally leaders usually happy to delegate their responsibilities.
However, only for you, I messed up learning a lot of things this year. A lot. But not mastered any of it. Learn some of them for fun, some for getting employed as an undergrad, some from peer pressure. Now I can't move back to start those things from where I left.
Appreciate the personal response!
Imagine you are walking through the woods, not 100% sure where you are going, but you turn left, then somebody told you always turn right in the woods (for some reason) and you did, then you got a new idea that you need to go backwards that will help you for some reason... at the end of the day you end up lost without a clue where to go. so you are sitting there in the dark asking how do I restart this level....well... there is no restart button, you are where you are... in the woods... probably alone.
What is also true at the same time - the sun will rise tomorrow, and it will be a new day to try out an find your own way. And it will help a lot to use the experience of the previous day - remembering what you saw, where you took the turn, who you met .... always learning , always moving forward. With this mindset we are never lost in our journey.
In other words, to start over we just need to learn and keep going. Have a great journey!
You should start by starting a business it will teach you all you need to know about psychology .... and some more :) I'm doing business and psychology/self development for the last 7 years and unfortunately, the idea of being good at business because somebody is good at understanding human behavior has huge flaws.
I can feel your pain, feeling of not getting what you deserve is a tough feeling to keep inside.
By identifying ourselves as being smart we are getting into the trap of being hostages of this label. Lot of scenarios in our life require us to make mistakes. Mistake is something a smart person cannot afford and deliberately avoids.
We are awarding ourselves with an achievement award of being smart without actually doing the work (doesn't it feel great to be smart?). Being smart is a capacity to think logically, not something we achieved in life. It is given, but to feel fulfilled we need to do something with it.
By declaring myself smart I set the scale of measurement for myself, and then I suffer when somebody smarter than me is around. Understanding that even my intellect is not something that defines me is a crucial piece of this puzzle. Intellect is one of the MANY tools available to each one of us. Exploring those tools requires some .... testing and learning, and intellect is a very lousy helper here.
And if you really want to focus on the money in your life - look at the people around you. Money come from the relationship with the people around us not from the ideas, thoughts, reasoning. Knowing you strength and focusing on helping people - producing much better outcome long term than focusing on a great idea.
I'm studying psychology and team dynamics and this is such a great example of conflict destroying the relationship. Want to share couple of thoughts on how we can avoid sacrificing the relationship.
-I'm 'The responsible'. Yes, as leaders, we are responsible for the results, at the same time there are people above us who is responsible for the results more than us. The responsibility is never on the shoulders of a single person in the company. When higher-ups support anti-leaders (as in this case), they take on some of our responsibility, and the honest discussion about their expectations is required. There could be lots of reasons for them being not confident in me driving the team, and it would be very beneficial to get their feedback before proceeding. Our assumptions and using formal understanding of the roles is only helping to fuel the conflict.
-The 'I know' trap. We really believe in our understanding of the future, it is always linear and always clear. At the same time, future we understand consists of 2 things: all the bad stuff happened to me before and all the good stuff happened to me before and depending on our feelings right now, we are projecting the mix of those 2 into the future. The question here is where is that 3rd category of all the thing that never happened to me? Where are the things I've never experienced? What if I don't know how this will play out? To me, creativity is something not known and something haven't been done before. Allowing ourselves to not know exactly how it will play out, helps us to keep an open mind and learn from the new experiences.
In other words we are never 100% responsible for controlling everything around us and the world is a bit more complicated than we want to believe. Hoping this was useful! Happy Friday!