Nothing. As you can see almost 99% of the comments are not about it but about Windows itself and unrelated questions. This is a very common phenomenon in HN.
IMHO It's better to think about these posts as "proxy discussions posts". I think many HN users yearn for a post where they can argue about a particular topic but straight up posting "Hey lets discuss and argue about Windows" would be seen as a low quality post, even though everyone secretly wants to dive into the comments on those kinds of posts.
I find that the HN community has many unique and charming aspects to it compared to other communities on the internet.
Yes, pornography is harmful, for everyone, for people who watch at and many of those who participate in its production. No exception, it's a bad thing and it's a shame that society is being okay with it.
SCIAF, Christian Aid, Age International , Trocaire, Plan International, Bond and Cafod, and many other 'charities'[1] (MSF is obviously not a charity, you at least could have opened the link but you clearly do not know what you are talking about) declared what's have been going in Gaza as genocide. Amnesty International made in January a UN call consisted of 250 global charities, organizations and institutions to stop the genocide in Gaza, either you are not actually giving money to charity or you are having a very hard time fining one.
Almost all regimes in the Middle East (and even other Arab regimes) are having a very well relationship with Israel, even those who do not publicly do normalization of relations. Historically Israel (as well as the US.) supported these regimes to ensure its interest. Not many books written about that so far, but I recommend people to check William Blum's "Killing Hope", it studies a very similar case of supporting dictatorships by Israel's key sponsor (the United States).
>It’s unclear to me why the American government doesn’t change the laws and create a new system more like a European one
Because the regime decisions in the US. are much defined by the corporatocracy and lobbyists interests rather than the people's. Some further readings/videos on that:
I've been considering Kagi a lot, but I find it sorta expensive (especially if compared to 'free') at least in my region. I learnt that they were discussing regional pricing[1], like the one in Netflix and other services.
Frankly, reading through that discussion, it doesn't seem like it's actually being seriously considered by them. It's just being advocated for by some users with them explaining why it's not really realistic to introduce.
India is an example of a country where there's plenty of things that are difficult there -- the health, education, nutrition is improving and they are stable enough and generating their own government revenue enough that it's very likely that 20 years from now people will be dramatically better off and it's kind of a laboratory to try things that then when you prove them out in India, you can take to other places
Interpreted as:
Bill Gates says he uses India as a laboratory for testing new drugs on us. And our govt allows this evil man & his foundations to use us as guinea pigs! Shocking and shameful!
Not trying to defend Gates, but that's extremely taken out of context.
I got the privilege to read some of his original Arabic works (being Arabic speaker). Although he used to write directly in English, his works in Arabic are definitely immortal.
Great work! That's pretty interesting. One of the things that always annoyed me is having to switch my language layout to write Arabic while I'm doing something else around (coding or whatever). This seems to be a great idea, I will go through the repo soon and maybe map it with some setxkbmap configuration.