It's worth noting that their campaign page has been reduced to a simple "Sorry, this project is no longer available" message.
This, despite Kickstarter's claim that projects are kept on their site forever. Their FAQ states that "Projects are not closed or taken down, they remain on site for reference and transparency.
Indeed, the aggregate numbers are there, but it's extremely difficult to find individual examples of success/failure by category or goal. That's the point of TKBM.
It's an incomplete list. TKBM has only been tracking projects that ended since mid-June 2012.
According to my numbers, since mid-June 2012, the overall success rate for all projects in all categories has been ~72%. Much higher than Kickstarter's all-time success rate of ~44%.
I've been suspecting their success rate might go up as more people become comfortable with the idea. A lot of small projects should be very do-able if their community is familiar with kickstarter.
According to my numbers, since mid-June 2012, the overall success rate for all projects in all categories has been ~72%. Much higher than Kickstarter's all-time success rate of ~44%. Successes seem to be increasing.