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>I chose the name SerenityOS because I wanted to always remember the Serenity Prayer.

Whats with operating systems and religion

Please don't post flamebait and/or unsubstantive comments here.


Edit: unfortunately it looks like that's basically all you've been posting to HN. We ban such accounts, so I've banned this one. If you don't want to be banned, you're welcome to email hn@ycombinator.com and give us reason to believe that you'll follow the rules in the future.

I'm a relatively vocal atheist, but Serenity Prayer is a pretty useful/accepted creed to live by if you can get over the very first word, so I can't say it bothers me much; and while I realize there's one other OS that's much more explicitly religion-oriented, I'm not sure it's quite a significant pattern yet...

  "(God), give me grace
  to accept with serenity
  the things that cannot be changed,
  Courage to change the things
  which should be changed,
  and the Wisdom to distinguish
  the one from the other."

This is the version I'm familiar with:

    God, grant me the Serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change...
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And Wisdom to know the difference.

It's basically "should I use sudo or not" as a prayer.

> Whats with operating systems and religion

Many daemons lurk in OSes. Sometimes religion provides the comfort and safety you need to face the horrors hiding in operating systems.

He opened with the explanation of doing this after coming out of rehab for drug addiction - I wouldn’t say it is related to “religion”, rather a nod/reminder for himself in why he’s doing it. Nothing beyond that it seems.

> Whats with operating systems and religion

Confirmation bias; religion is everywhere, no reason to expect it to be exceptionally absent from computing/programming/operating systems etc.

Have you never been in a debate about vim vs. emacs?

There is no debate.

I think Vim won by virtue of already being installed.

Ehhh. Vi is already installed, and it is often not Vim.

Nano, on the other hand...

Proper software development is indistinguishable from mysticism.

Don't go hating on my boy Terry (pbuh):

"The got rid of CD/DVD. they are coming for our guns."

"You know the secret? The difference between heaven and hell? It's, like, doing your work. You feel really shitty if you don't do your work. If you do your work, it's fucking awesome."

I suspect you have 1 other example. How many can you come up with that have nothing to do with religion?

The one other example is obviously either FreeBSD, whose mascot is a demon, or OSX, which itself is a religion. ;)

Also, for better or worse, TempleOS.

This is what I was referencing. Though I think the other poster may know and was making a joke.

The majority of the human population is religious. Software is generally created by humans so it doesn’t seem unlikely that some of that influence would rub off on their work (same as any other work of art really).


Please don't take HN threads further into flamewar, let alone religious flamewar god help us.


Fair enough Dan. I do have a tendency to walk the line but I like to think I'm reasonable enough to know when to backpedal. Apologies to yourself and Jagger. I'll try and be nicer.

I'd not heard of that but it seems fairly accurate. It seems related to pg's idea of middle-brow dismissal.

Care to expand on those bold assertions?

I'm not sure what you consider bold about the assertions so it's difficult to expand. I am certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I'm religious, so that provides at least circumstantial evidence for my initial statement.

Do you think I should consider that atheists could be dumb too? Most of the ones I've spoken to seem fairly convinced that they're reasonably smart.

Alright it's clear you're only here to rile people up. Not sure why you think that's appropriate here.


I'm sorry, do you think you're being "intellectually explorative" with unsubstantiated statements like "atheism is for the mediocre mind"?.

Please do not respond to a bad comment by breaking the site guidelines yourself. It only makes everything worse.


My apologies for upsetting you. Please see upthread for my apology to yourself and Dan.

Reminder that arguing something is false because theres a fallacy in the argument its a fallacy itself too, ad logicam.

Pro tip: the deposits in your bank account are not backed by actual money 1-to-1

Yeah, but in the US the FDIC insures my bank account up to $250,000 (per account!). Tether has no such guarantee, which makes Tether's financials a lot more important.

Which is why banks are highly regulated, have reserve and capital requirements and central banks acting as lender of last resorts.

They are, however, backed by the FDIC.

Only up to 250k. Any more and you need your own insurance.

$250k per account, up to 6 accounts. So the FDIC insures up to $1.5 million. If you have more then that, I think you can find other ways to secure your money.

Anything above FDIC insurance limits and you’re in US Treasuries, backed by the full faith and credit of the US Treasury. They’re one of the safest financial assets in the world. The risk of default is almost, but not quite, zero.

the fed has never not bailed people out, whether it’s money market funds or anything else even if not fdic insured

The FDIC could not make the system solvent in the event everyone tried to redeem their funds. It can only keep up confidence to try to prevent people from all trying to redeem their funds.

The government promising by law to pay everyone back does build more confidence than Tether's 2.3 cents + outstanding debt from other exchanges.

This is why I stick with defi stablecoins.

Pro tip: Modern finance is also a Ponzi scheme.

No, it's not a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme, "is a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return with little risk to investors. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam which generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors. This is similar to a pyramid scheme in that both are based on using new investors' funds to pay the earlier backers." (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/ponzischeme.asp)

Modern finance is regulated. Schemes that aim to generate a return have to file a prospectus and must be audited and exposed to legal liability should they fail to follow the rules.

Or sleep is needed to clean the toxins in the brain and dreams are just a funny consequence of disconnecting you from the world

How hard can it be to reverse engineer the drivers and remove the protections? Theres economic incentive now after all

"remove" how? The card BIOS is not going to let you just flash any random driver you cooked up.

I think the final outcome of this is that people will go to the next hot PoW coin and the eth "elites" will be left alone playing oligarch

As fake as the american dream!

I like how this guys became successful by literally lying

well, yeah. The cynical part of me has a similar reaction: "This is typical of America", we also see a lot of comments here that justify his actions, so there certainly is a cultural assessment that this type of "showmanship" is kinda worshipped in America. I mean, who can argue otherwise with the success of Trump, Theranos, Fox News, Mark Cuban, Musk etc. Not all showmanship is bad but if lying or talking shit is too successful it offen leads to more sinister things like outright lies (well, these here are lies already, imo), corruption (because the success is not built on effort but on being liked, so you share your successes with your friends) and so on. Also if nothing is built on facts but rather on persona (like fox news) then we get in trouble when no one believes in climate change or doesnt trust vaccines etc. So in my opinion this culture of showmanship or populism or story before facts is not good in the long run. But it's entertaining, now isn't it?

Im not vaccinating period. If you try to force me with this bs Im just gonna bribe the nurse here sign this paper and good fucking bye.

What does this have to do with forcing you to do anything?

What is the reason you don't want a vaccine? I'm honestly just curious

Should had paid for cybersecurity or not pay misery bug bounties. Attract talent to the blue team!

They had cyber insurance coverage[0]. But I have no idea if cyber insurance pays out ransomware ransoms.


They should, most policies do cover ransomware. If their policy did not, CIO loses their job in 5…4…

Sounds like a good job for psychos

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