DNT was a failure that shouldn't be depended on for anything.
Safari has already removed it in version 12.1 (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safari_release_not...), so if that's the only opt-out mechanism there's no way for Safari users to make that choice. That probably includes all iOS users, since all iOS browsers just wrap Safari.
I wouldn't be surprised to see other browsers remove it eventually as well. Like Apple says, it ended up doing the exact opposite of what it was supposed to -- almost nobody obeys it anyway, and it hurts the privacy of people that try to use it by contributing an uncommon factor to their browser fingerprint.
I just had a chat with a friend about another problem of working remote: How to meet people. This gets harder when you can't personally hangout with your colleagues.
Mostly when you live in a country different than your own, where they speak another language it can be challenging.
I gave him these tips, but I would appreciate if you share some advice about it:
- Join any kind of sports club or whatever group of people that you share interests with.
- I sometimes use Couchsurfing to meet people. The app has something called hangouts that lets you meet people that are close by.
- Working from a coworking space could also help.
- Joining a language school is another option; you meet people and learn the language at the same time.
These are good ones. Also: Meetups, going to coffee shops, and joining online remote worker communities/Slack channels (although this is just online, not in person). I wfh and go to coffee shops like twice a day.
I'm almost sure this also happens with the translation API. Some days when I try to translate websites I get 403 errors and I have to wait for some time until I can use the feature again.