I would never dare using Google for something as critical as a domain name. Even if they're legit, the minute you have a problem you can be sure you'll never have an answer other than "We identified an issue on your side. Case closed, don't use our services again."
Redemption fees are set by the registry, not the registrar. Of course the registrars apply their standard markup but I don't know of a registrar that will add an unreasonable markup to the already prohibitive restore prices.
> That makes me think they have control over the price
Well yeah, registrar is a business, of course you have some say on the price you sell your domains... But there's a base price that is set by the registry behind the registrars
As an example, the .com is sold by Verisign (the registry) around 9 USD for the create/renew, but around 50 USD for the restore, depending on the negotiated price between the registrar and Verisign. So basically no registrar will allow you to restore a domain in redemption period for less than 50 USD.
In my team we used Gin and migrated to Echo (because Gin didn't support conflicting routes at the time, like /foo/{variable} and /foo/bar) and we got to the same conclusion. Forgetting to return with Gin (and with net/http) is an issue that actually occurs, and we've been bitten by it more times than we care to admit.
Of course it's not worth migrating to Echo just for that but it's good to know that some routers implement it differently, if it's something that bothers you.
Did DALL-E and GPT-3 revolutionize anything yet? (I know it might sound snarky but it's not my intention, I genuinely wonder how they're used today, other than demos)
If nothing else DALL-E showed that automation will takeover artists jobs too.
GPT-3 can generate quite sensible paragraphs but is far away from generating pages of internally consistent content. On there other hand it works OK as semantic aware knowledge base: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32348768
Revolutionize? No. I don't mean DALL-E or GPT-3 specifically, just that tech. I think as the hardware needed to run these gets cheaper and the tech is applied to other domains we will see revolutionary changes. My vision depends heavily on the forward march of progress with bigger better compute available cheaper.
The initialism is increasingly known. And yet bad: we could argue that "ICE vehicles" are connected cars, because - after William Gibson - Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics are not relevant on traditional combustion-based vehicles.
My contract says that if on-calls are needed, I might have to be in the rotation. This clause increases my pay rate even if I'm not on-call.
If however I am actually on-call, I am paid more. And if the on-call rings, I'm again paid more on top of the on-call period. And as the French law mandates 11 consecutive hours of rest, if the on-call rings in the middle of the night, I'll usually come to work later the day after.
If you don't have advantages for being on-call, you're the one being taken advantage of.
> "The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim."
Just because it's a quote doesn't make it true. Whether a submarine can swim is semantics, yes. Whether something non organic, created by the human can think is groundbreaking and extremely interesting, both for the implications it has, and for the questions we must answer to decide it.
It's worth noting though that Go's way is just 40 characters more than Python with an inline comparison function and Go's verbosity.
If I need to reverse the order, it looks easier to do with Go (just reverse the operator) than with Python and Rust way (I guess both have something like an "order" additional parameter).
Rust and Python both feel more elegant but I actually like Go's way.