| | Rails migrations with zero downtime (2011) (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
2 points by mooreds on Jan 8, 2018 | past
| | Get more out of your service with machine-readable API specs (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
3 points by pedrobelo on May 23, 2014 | past
| | Lessons for non-immigrant workers in the US (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
1 point by lukashed on Jan 16, 2014 | past
| | Lessons for non-immigrant workers in the US (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
3 points by craigkerstiens on Jan 16, 2014 | past
| | Assertions by test, assertions by design (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
1 point by craigkerstiens on Dec 24, 2012 | past
| | Three fundamental tricks for developers writing distributed systems (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
55 points by pedrobelo on Dec 3, 2012 | past | 19 comments
| | On Rails, Sinatra, and picking the right tool for the job (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
7 points by pedrobelo on Sept 12, 2012 | past
| | When tests are just not the best tool to assert (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
1 point by pedrobelo on Feb 17, 2012 | past
| | Rails migrations with no downtime (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
82 points by craigkerstiens on Feb 13, 2012 | past | 21 comments
| | Hot compatibility beyond databases (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
20 points by craigkerstiens on Feb 12, 2012 | past
| | Rails migrations with no downtime (pedro.herokuapp.com) |
4 points by bradly on July 13, 2011 | past