1. | | Now Wikipedia has an API (wikipedia.org) |
60 points by ptm on April 26, 2008 | 7 comments
2. | | The Future of Enterprise Software: I Am So Scared, I Am So Excited (7thursdays.wordpress.com) |
35 points by nreece on April 26, 2008 | 15 comments
3. | | Ask YC: Where to startup? (If not the US, then Canada or UK?) |
27 points by aditya on April 26, 2008 | 62 comments
4. | | Massive SQL Injection Attack 600.000++ (0x000000.com) |
22 points by rockstar9 on April 26, 2008 | 5 comments
5. | | "I'm getting really freaking tired of experiencing this level of incompetence" (knowing.net) |
20 points by rockstar9 on April 26, 2008 | 21 comments
6. | | Python Dataflow Programming (thensys.com) |
18 points by kirubakaran on April 26, 2008 | 3 comments
7. | | Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail (cnn.com) |
16 points by kf on April 26, 2008 | 10 comments
8. | | Lisp in Vim (mikael.jansson.be) |
17 points by kirubakaran on April 26, 2008
9. | | ThinkGeek now selling Optimus Maximus Keyboard (113 LCD screen keys) (thinkgeek.com) |
16 points by JayNeely on April 26, 2008 | 36 comments
10. | | Explaining the semantic web [Google docs presentation] (docs.google.com) |
16 points by mcxx on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
11. | | SVD Recommendation System in Ruby (igvita.com) |
15 points by getp on April 26, 2008 | 3 comments
12. | | Debugging Science (hackerdashery.com) |
15 points by sah on April 26, 2008 | 5 comments
13. | | Ask YC: What resources do you use for your market research? |
14 points by ryanspahn on April 26, 2008 | 14 comments
14. | | Ask YC: How did you escape the pressures of school? |
12 points by iamdave on April 26, 2008 | 29 comments
15. | | The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It (futureoftheinternet.org) |
12 points by getp on April 26, 2008 | 1 comment
16. | | Facebook’s Insatiable Hunger for Hardware (they're running around 10,000 servers) (gigaom.com) |
11 points by danw on April 26, 2008 | 6 comments
17. | | Rackspace files an IPO, setting price by auction (techcrunch.com) |
10 points by markbao on April 26, 2008 | 10 comments
18. | | Apple iPhone SDK Beta 4 (allowing background apps?) (tuaw.com) |
9 points by terpua on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
19. | | Cuzillion: Performance best practices tool (ajaxian.com) |
9 points by omakase on April 26, 2008
20. | | New in Google Docs: Insert Videos, Edit CSS (googlesystem.blogspot.com) |
7 points by rockstar9 on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
21. | | 15 Slideshows from the Web 2.0 Expo (slideshare.net) |
8 points by breily on April 26, 2008
22. | | Woz's 4/22/08 Lecture at UC Berkeley [video] (haas.berkeley.edu) |
7 points by antiform on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
23. | | Top 10 Qualities of The Perfect Programmer (softwarecreation.org) |
7 points by edw519 on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
24. | | Judea Pearl: The Art and Science of Cause and Effect (ucla.edu) |
7 points by garret on April 26, 2008 | 1 comment
25. | | SmugMug releases premium video sharing service (smugmug.com) |
6 points by pchristensen on April 26, 2008 | 4 comments
26. | | Louisgray.com: What's Your Twitter Noise Ratio? (louisgray.com) |
6 points by raju on April 26, 2008
27. | | The Art of Introduction (guykawasaki.com) |
6 points by wheels on April 26, 2008
28. | | Ask YC: Looking for Micropayment service, any suggestions? |
6 points by khangtoh on April 26, 2008 | 9 comments
29. | | OAuth support for Google Accounts and Contacts API (groups.google.com) |
6 points by bootload on April 26, 2008
30. | | The Old Design Argument, Now Politicized (charlespetzold.com) |
5 points by bdfh42 on April 26, 2008 | 2 comments
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