Given all the recent confusion and criticism of the US immigration fuc^Wpolicies, I'm wondering what everyone thinks is the best place outside the US to startup, and why?
I know there's a pretty strong startup scene now in Canada and parts of Europe but if you were starting out, which would you prefer? The following reasons are based on my VERY limited understanding and experience with both these places, so feel free to correct, etc.
Vancouver, BC
Pros: Proximity to Seattle/Silicon Valley, good startup/entrepreneurial scene
Cons: Bad weather, Bureaucracy, VCs are more risk-averse compare to SV, labor laws
London, UK
Pros: Burgeoning startup scene, situated mid-way between continental US and Europe (not sure why this is a pro), tech friendly VCs
Cons: Bad weather, labor laws, expensive (!!)
Any other places to consider?
This site will provide all the information you need:
Annual corporate paperwork takes me just a few minutes each year (all done online) and taxes are likewise easy to put together. Any questions I've had about the company, taxes, etc. were quickly answered either through the Corporations Canada web site or after a brief e-mail dashed off to their contact e-mail address.
As a sole founder of a software startup, I really couldn't be happier at my (by accident of birth) choice of nation. I've been able to just focus on building a business and quickly deal with the legal and tax stuff as minimally needed.