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Stories from December 24, 2019
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1. My Business Card Runs Linux (thirtythreeforty.net)
2595 points by rcarmo on Dec 24, 2019 | 397 comments
2. Category Theory for Programmers (2014) [pdf] (github.com/hmemcpy)
403 points by furcyd on Dec 24, 2019 | 129 comments
3. A Twitter app bug was used to match 17M phone numbers to user accounts (techcrunch.com)
301 points by kkm on Dec 24, 2019 | 125 comments
4. Hyperscan: High-performance multiple regex matching library from Intel (hyperscan.io)
212 points by goranmoomin on Dec 24, 2019 | 53 comments
5. What it's like to bootstrap a business before it can financially support you (indiehackers.com)
289 points by ChanningAllen on Dec 24, 2019 | 98 comments
6. Minimalism – An undervalued development skill (volument.com)
506 points by tipiirai on Dec 24, 2019 | 172 comments
7. How to undo almost anything with Git (2015) (github.blog)
372 points by ljiljana on Dec 23, 2019 | 79 comments
8. Darktable 3.0 (darktable.org)
341 points by trop on Dec 24, 2019 | 120 comments
9. Crispr-Resistant Viruses Build ‘Safe Rooms’ to Shield Genomes from Enzymes (ucsf.edu)
134 points by dddddaviddddd on Dec 24, 2019 | 17 comments
10. A Breakthrough in Graph Theory [video] (youtube.com)
226 points by kgwxd on Dec 24, 2019 | 25 comments
11. An IT migration corrupted 1.3B customer records (increment.com)
327 points by fagnerbrack on Dec 24, 2019 | 187 comments
12. French cities trying to ban public adverts (theguardian.com)
324 points by Vinnl on Dec 24, 2019 | 132 comments
13. Story of Odoo: Open-Sourced Competitor to Oracle, SAP (breakoutstartups.substack.com)
195 points by ankitkumar98 on Dec 23, 2019 | 74 comments
14. Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet (bbc.com)
187 points by alexanderdmitri on Dec 24, 2019 | 134 comments
15. Flattening Quadratic Béziers (raphlinus.github.io)
100 points by jwmerrill on Dec 24, 2019 | 6 comments
16. Things everyone in ML should know about belief formation in humans [video] (slideslive.com)
236 points by scribu on Dec 22, 2019 | 42 comments
17. Catching CO2 from trucks and reducing their emissions by 90% (nuadox.com)
125 points by finphil on Dec 24, 2019 | 97 comments
18. The World of Statecharts (statecharts.github.io)
142 points by capableweb on Dec 23, 2019 | 29 comments
19. The secret afterlife of lost German luggage (nytimes.com)
125 points by bookofjoe on Dec 24, 2019 | 63 comments
20. Albert Hofmann's archives shed light on the dawn of the psychedelic era (2018) (vice.com)
70 points by apollinaire on Dec 22, 2019 | 13 comments
21. Java JIT vs. Java AOT vs. Go for Small, Short-Lived Processes (macias.info)
175 points by robfig on Dec 24, 2019 | 178 comments
22. The scramble for sand is destroying the Mekong (bbc.com)
73 points by pseudolus on Dec 21, 2019 | 46 comments
23. Kutt – a modern, open-source URL shortener (github.com/thedevs-network)
109 points by hugodutka on Dec 23, 2019 | 58 comments
24. Truth and Probability (1926) [pdf] (core.ac.uk)
67 points by dedalus on Dec 22, 2019 | 4 comments
25. Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Is Leaving the Company’s Board of Directors (techcrunch.com)
183 points by 0xedb on Dec 24, 2019 | 152 comments
26. Show HN: Kareer Day – Learn About Jobs by People Who've Done Them (kareerday.com)
92 points by yaas on Dec 24, 2019 | 47 comments
27. Kahan Summation Algorithm (wikipedia.org)
80 points by killjoywashere on Dec 24, 2019 | 17 comments
28. Father and Daughter Convicted for $100M Fraudulent Tax Refund Scheme (justice.gov)
125 points by Lagogarda on Dec 24, 2019 | 93 comments
29. Social media bots often tweet fake health claims about cannabis: study (usc.edu)
113 points by happy-go-lucky on Dec 24, 2019 | 120 comments
30. How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next nuclear disaster (latimes.com)
181 points by DyslexicAtheist on Dec 24, 2019 | 92 comments

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