What are the best for D3-based visualization/charting libraries when it comes to being high customizable, styleable, and performant? There are dozens of them, but with some research the most interesting ones seem to be:
* Vega - Talked about in this thread
* nvd3 - Meant to work in similar style as D3, supports extension. Seems popular
* Epoch - Real-time charts are purpose-built to be performant and low-overhead. Limited number of visualization types
* D4 - Extends D3 instead of wrapping it. Separation of data from view
* C3js - Easier API. extendable.
* rickshaw - Mainly for time series data. Supports extensions. Works in similar style as D3.
Good list. Dimple and DC should also be mentioned at the top of the list. And to provide a more extensive list people can evaluate: XCharts, D3xter, Metrics Graphics, TauCharts, N3, and Dangle.
* Vega - Talked about in this thread
* nvd3 - Meant to work in similar style as D3, supports extension. Seems popular
* Epoch - Real-time charts are purpose-built to be performant and low-overhead. Limited number of visualization types
* D4 - Extends D3 instead of wrapping it. Separation of data from view
* C3js - Easier API. extendable.
* rickshaw - Mainly for time series data. Supports extensions. Works in similar style as D3.