I see the opposite. I see it as everything that was right about the decision not to include WebSQL. Specifically (a) you didn't needed WebSQL. See Lovefield. And (b) you can implement whatever you like that fits your needs instead if trying to shoehorn the one true solution.
The same is true of many other parts of the web. I'm glad O3D failed (I was on that team) and I'm glad something like Unity/X3D/VRML isn't built into the web. I'm glad instead we have something low-level like WebGL that people can build many and varied higher level solutions on (Three.js, X3D, Unity->WebGL, Unreal->WebGL, SceneGL, Babylon3D, Pixi.js, etc.) You pick the solution that best fits your project.
Lower-level building blocks are better IMO in most cases. They are easier to test. Have less incompatible edge cases and leave it up to devs to build or pick a solution that's right for their needs.
The same is true of many other parts of the web. I'm glad O3D failed (I was on that team) and I'm glad something like Unity/X3D/VRML isn't built into the web. I'm glad instead we have something low-level like WebGL that people can build many and varied higher level solutions on (Three.js, X3D, Unity->WebGL, Unreal->WebGL, SceneGL, Babylon3D, Pixi.js, etc.) You pick the solution that best fits your project.
Lower-level building blocks are better IMO in most cases. They are easier to test. Have less incompatible edge cases and leave it up to devs to build or pick a solution that's right for their needs.