While the advice in the article is funny, on a deeper level the author seems to argue that program text is a rather basic representation that often obstructs insight into the semantics of the program.
The quest for other program representations is still open. The state of the art uses text as "storage" format plus an IDE that does some semantic analysis to help the developer navigate. Many of the ideas mentined in the article (navigation, coloring, auto-format) have been integrated into IDEs and editors.
With almost 20 years of research between the article then and now, what semantic techniques are you dreaming of in your development environment? What are you missing? What feature would greatly improve your productivity (but is possibly too costly to implement by yourself)?
The quest for other program representations is still open. The state of the art uses text as "storage" format plus an IDE that does some semantic analysis to help the developer navigate. Many of the ideas mentined in the article (navigation, coloring, auto-format) have been integrated into IDEs and editors.
With almost 20 years of research between the article then and now, what semantic techniques are you dreaming of in your development environment? What are you missing? What feature would greatly improve your productivity (but is possibly too costly to implement by yourself)?