How would you measure 'best' at coding? As I understand it, there are at least several different aspects that you could measure. One persons be the most effective algorithm designer, but another another the quickest at internalizeng large problems. It seems that one ould be the best in one way but not another and there could be no 'best' coder overall.
I certainly agree. And domain expertise comes into it too. Too much insulation from the domain can lead to a kind of inverse leaky abstraction problem - where not enough of what's real about the problem is affecting the design, which is too ivory-tower.
I think the point to be taken is: Let go of the ego. It won't serve you well -- in fact, it will work against you.
Therefore, having concern of anyone being 'best' is simply a waste of time. Besides, 'best' is purely subjective, anyway. So, a pursuit of finding the 'best' is absurd, and wanting to consider one's self as 'best' is ego (or simply narcissism). It's also a sign of youth, and is to be expected.