Used where and for what? The international space station was originally intended as a low earth orbit base for human space activity, then gradually morphed into a low-gravity laboratory.
The space station can't hold itself together on the moon, it is not built for 1/6g; you might be able to position it in lunar orbit, but that would be quite expensive; higher orbits would preserve the station just as well at much lower cost, but the station would be an unsafe derelict in a few years.
Would it really be all that expensive though. We are going to have to send tons of mass out there eventually. Is there anything fundamentally different about a lunar orbit that would make such a base not as useful. I understand it was not designed to experience large acceleration forces but could we not use this as an opportunity to test ion drives and/or other low impulse drive mechanism? Slowly inch it towards a linear orbit? Then send astronauts to meet it in orbit with a next gen reusable lunar lander? On a SpaceX heavy and or SLS?
Nice idea. But, just to play with the numbers, it would require tons of fuel and, unless ura thinks of a debris field instead of a park, we must break and descent it there.
I suppose that whould cost a lot more than 140 billions.