Ya just like "M$" did a terrible job with the acquisition of Halo. Infact you can even count their entire fanbase on your fingers. Besides $2.5 Billion that was paid to acquire Minecraft is just pocket change for MS to drop and forget about it. /s
I am getting tired of these baseless comments whenever article about X shows up. Where X=Google/MS/Apple/FB etc.
I feel like MS will probably do well on this, it's essentially a developer tool (for all ages), and MS makes plenty of those just fine. They clearly have good people involved and are using C++ so you know it's a performance oriented mindset (since Java vs C# is certainly close enough to make a C# version passable).
reading https://randomascii.wordpress.com Im not so sure. Microsoft has a habit of shipping unoptimized buggy crap in every niche, including dev tools.
Let's face if, if M$ rewrote it, it'd be in .net and only run on their platform. Then support would be dropped in the next windows release