Because of people like you. He wanted out. He didn’t want to be internet famous anymore, being questioned by smug know-it-alls. And good on him. Would have done exactly the same in his place, heck, even sold to much, much, much worse companies than Microsoft.
I'm not trying to attack anybody. I sympathize very much with the stresses of being placed unexpectedly into the public light, and I did not and will not criticize his decision to sell.
Regardless, I wasn't trying to ask why Notch sold. I meant to ask why it was not fair for Oculus to sell if it was fair for him to sell. Asking this question is fair game since Notch chose to make his condemnation of the acquisition exceptionally public.
> why it was not fair for Oculus to sell if it was fair for him to sell.
It probably felt unfair to him because Oculus was kickstarted by gamers (like Notch), and Minecraft was self-funded.
Since the backers (gamers) felt like they were stakeholders on Oculus, they probably were disappointed that Oculus was bought by Facebook, rather than Bethsida or Valve.