Lots of different instant messengers like skype. Google chat, facetime, just the regular old phone. Video conferencing tools. Even screen sharing systems like gotomeeting. It's a solved problem mostly, but hard to do technically, so that's why it concerns me that Slack is trying to do it when there are lots of things no one does well and slack isn't addressing those. This is a bad sign for slack, IMO.
I do know about Skype, Google Hangouts, and videoconferencing tools like Webex, GotoMeeting, etc. And have used enterprise videoconferencing tools in companies where I worked earlier, and Skype and Google Hangouts. But there are issues with both of the latter at times (e.g the recent thread about Skype issues on Linux), hence my question, which was more about other (new) ones, and only for voice and video chat, not screen sharing or text chat (which work fine with many providers), really.
But thanks for the answer. I've tried out a few of the new WebRTC sites like appear.in and some others, but they seem to be alpha level. Not tried them a lot though.
Has anyone tried Firefox Hello, which was mentioned in the recent thread about Skype issues on Linux? Is it alive? Going to try it with someone soon, if it is alive, but interested in hearing others' experiences.
Can you name some good ones? Like to try them out.