You can make them illegal by making only one legal way to get money from person A to persons B. Anything over a certain amount per year, basically cost of living, gets taxed. It doesn't matter what path it took to get there.
So, if you make $100k per year (and you pay tax on that), and you then go borrow $500k to buy a house, you'd be happy paying tax on that $500k as well? And of course, you would need to repay that debt with after tax income, so you're paying tax twice. Because that's essentially what you're proposing. :)
Nah, Im pulling from high assurance safety and security fields. Only approaches that worked for long periods basically create a design that enforces specific, good properties in every state. Other commenters are talking failed route of open ended design that tries to guess every form of malice. It's whitelisting vs AV signatures.
Let's not make strawman. It's more like you made $500k in income, put that into an asset, borrowed it back, and spent it. That is income. Just not taxable like the rest of us.
And thanks for the article. :)