So excited it moved to github and away from SourceForge
By far my go to app for downloading anything. aria2c [link] downloads anything and is also the fastest bit torrent app I have ever used.
EDIT: I also use aria2c for the backend of my Arch Linux package manager pacman. Gives me multiple of connections per host and speeds up updates by at least two folds.
2nd EDIT: Windows works but I have had better luck with uGet portable app for Windows.
The only issue I had with this setup was that if a download got cancelled, it would start failing throwing package integrity errors because aria downloads directly to /var/cache/pacman/pkg/package_name.tar.xz rather than a .part file which is copied upon completion. The built-in downloader of pacman ensures this is done right.
For those who would prefer a graphical interface for their multithreaded downloading, I highly recommend webui-aria2, which (of course) uses aria2c in it's backend:
It's super easy to install locally since it's basically a JS app in a couple of HTML files. For ease of use, I have a shortcut to the index.html in my browser and launch aria2 on startup from my .zshrc.
Agreed webui-aria2 is great. I wrote a little launcher script for it that configures the RPC secret, download directory, and other settings, starts aria2c, then opens up the WebUI in a Chrome kiosk.
If they add a "--download-over-tor" flag[1] this would be awesome.
[1]: Yes we all know that it's not a good idea to download torrents and other large content over tor (for various technical and non-technical reasons) but it'd sure be convenient!
I've looked into this in the past and was not successful. `torify` doesn't work and aria2 doesn't have any option for configuring a SOCKS5 proxy. There's been quite a bit of discussion about this.[0]
A cursory search shows some people have recently found success with `--async-dns=false`[1]. Doesn't work for me, but maybe I'll try with the latest release and see if that changes things.
I eventually got aria2c to work over TOR with ProxyChains, but it's really not a fun process.
Haven't heard of torify before but it looks cool. Does the app being invoked by it have to be able to use a SOCKS proxy or does it auto wrap all socket connections?
Haven't heard of this tool until now. Say I already use wget (or curl) for command line downloads. Besides the ability to download torrents, why should I switch?
The biggest feature is probably being able to download a file from multiple URLs (or with multiple connections, if the server imposes a per-connection speed limit) at the same time
I also used Axel[1] a lot (its lightweight) during my college days where we were behind an http proxy and increasing the number of connections would result in increased download speeds.
apt-fast is a very nice wrapper for apt-get / aptitude that uses aria2c to download packages MUCH faster. (It also automatically calls itself with sudo if you wish, i.e. automatically requests the sudo password if needed.)
The message mentions "" as a "good and nice quasi-replacement". I use it myself - it also results in pleasingly speedy apt downloads, and has the additional advantages of official support and requiring no setup beyond a line in sources.lst.
I'm not going to try this, but it seems to me that apt-fast and http-redir could be combined. I wonder how fast that would go...
I wish it was written as an apt-method, or even a replacement for /var/lib/methods/http. I suspect the lack of documentation for apt methods has made this unlikely.
A lot of regular download clients got problems if you have 1000+ servers downloading 100MB+ and hit a lot of stragglers. I find aria2c very reliable and performant comparing to other client.
By far my go to app for downloading anything. aria2c [link] downloads anything and is also the fastest bit torrent app I have ever used.
EDIT: I also use aria2c for the backend of my Arch Linux package manager pacman. Gives me multiple of connections per host and speeds up updates by at least two folds.
2nd EDIT: Windows works but I have had better luck with uGet portable app for Windows.