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The Financial Industry Is Having Its Napster Moment (bloomberg.com)
278 points by T-A on April 7, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 137 comments

I kind of get the sense that perhaps some people are upvoting this article because of the title and they just agree with the sentiment. Which is fine but I don't really think this article is saying anything new here.

Actively managed mutual funds are going away fast and that's to everyone's benefit. Some were charging 2% yearly plus a fee when you bought or when you sold( redemption fees). I can't think of a single reason that anyone should have any money in an actively managed mutual fund.

If there is a continuum of hedge funds to ETF's, actively managed mutual funds are literary the worst of both worlds. High fees and low ability to make returns.

From where I sit, the biggest jobs that are in danger are sales jobs. There used to be teams of people at mutual fund companies whose sole job was to sell their products to Investment advisers at brokerages with the hopes that the advisor would put their clients money into these funds.

As someone who is on the side of actively managing money, I see this as a strong positive. The more passive money there is sloshing around the more arb opportunities there are!

There are a huge, huge number of people that have 401ks and IRAs that only offer a small number of actively managed mutual funds, many of which have high fees, and there is little consumer education about the high of these fees. If this rule change leads more 401ks to offer ETFs and some education about there value, it will make a big difference.

> I can't think of a single reason that anyone should have any money in an actively managed mutual fund.

I kinda agree with you. However, theoretically, I would have been more than happy to put my money in an actively managed fund IF that fund was managed by someone with a very high intelligence and who was able to sit still. By sitting still, I mean not buying and selling all the time. Often, it's far more profitable to sit on shares for many years, rather than buy and sell all the time. But I guess those fund managers are expected to come into some office every day at least from 9 to 5, regardless of whether there is anything to do. Also, they probably have co-workers and bosses who ask them what they're doing. Maybe it would be kinda boring to answer "nothing" every day for like 2 years in a row.

Just to check, As a newcomer to finance, what hedge fund managers add?

I watched a documentary recently that suggested that they gain % for every X period they add value (over risk-free rate?), but don't pay back any % for losses they make? This the situation?

The classic hedge fund used to be able to find niches in the market where they could make money - and the good ones used to be able to do it well.

They could do things other money managers couldn't - short stocks (i.e. hedging against a fall, hence their names), better analysts, investments in more diversified instruments, early HFT.

They would often take a fee of two and twenty - that is to say 2% of the money you lent them (every year), plus 20% of the profit they made from that money.

If you gave them $10 million, they'd take $200k as a fee every year, then 20% of the profit they made. So let's say they made you $1 mill a year, they'd be paid in the first year $200k fees and $200k performance fees.

However nowadays there's millions of them, and almost all of them lose money as there weren't that many profitable niches to begin with, and a lot of them were lucky anyway (survivorship bias).

The vast majority of hedge funds have high water marks on fees now. I'd love to see the source on "almost all of them lose money" - since my experience doesn't tie up. I'm assuming you're talking about returns vs passive indexation after fees?

Of course any reported results on hedge fund returns are kinda funky for the reason of bias that you mention.

There have been several studies out of 100 hedge funds ~20-30 percent beat passive funds after fees in a given year. However, next year the results are random. So, that % drops as the time frame increases.

Survivorship bias is huge in this industry. There have been plenty of funds with awesome runs, but few have lasted 20+ years.

PS: The financial industry also loves to point at old funds as being above average while quietly killing off lot's of tiny funds and growing others over time. IMO, this goes past survivorship bias and into the old con where you mail 1024 people the results of a game, then 512 people you got right, then 256... Until you have great history with your last sucker.

Do you have links to any of them out of interest?

There are hundreds of strategies in hedgefunds from HFT to Macro to volatility trading to commercial ground rents to God Knows What™ - so I'd really like to see what was being done for this kind of analysis (and who by and what data they had access to).

Past performance is a lot like the false positive problem in medical testing. A 99% correct test on a condition affecting 1% of the population is not useful. Similarly looking at past performance for a hedge fund is a poor way of identifying those with "alpha" (if you believe true alpha exists at all, which is entirely dependent on your point of view).

Take Mr Buffet as a spurious example. If he leaves the fund, it won't affect past performance for some time. So do you want to buy into B-H without him - just because it used to make money? Or would you go into his new fund because you think he has a process that works.

If the fund manager mostly does nothing, what value does he provide?

Picking the initial stocks? A company like Berkshire Hathaway run by Warren Buffet has a very low churn over the years, especially in their larger positions. The company has been sitting on 400,000,000 shares of Coca-Cola since the late 80s, never selling a single share.

Guards standing at the gate also do nothing 99% of the time.

Good sysadmins as well.

It is such a cool principle. I think it can be extended to all manner of fields. As a process engineer, I am convinced that the best machine operators are the ones actively doing nothing. The active bit is key: they must be alert, watchful, understanding, and for-God's-sake don't push nothing unless you need to.

Somewhere along the way operators think that if they don't push a button every fifteen minutes they aren't earning their pay (I blame bad management and production pressure). So when in doubt, look busy. It has awful and confusing effects on processes, leading to long term hard-to-diagnose noise in otherwise stable systems.

I think the same principle applies here. We want vigilant, patient, and wise did managers. Not just super active and excitable ones.

ETF have one big problem, you end up with a critical mass of investors who all apply the same know rule based investment strategy. That means that they will be arbitraged by hedge funds (like when a stock is expected to enter the S&P, you know there is a huge mass of dumb buyers who will buy it then whatever the price). And you are creating potentially liquidity issues. You need people with various trading strategies for the market to remain liquid.

I am not against ETF, in fact that's what I would use, but it comes with its own problems.

This "problem" isn't confined to ETFs - its relevant to any fund (mutual fund, ETF, etc..) that tracks an index. ETFs only have about $2 trillion under management. Compare this with maybe $20 trillion under management in the mutual fund space. Though, not all mutual funds are passive index funds. Movement of stocks in and out of indices doesn't really create an issue. But it does setup an opportunity for arbitrageurs.

If you have enough market makers trying to arbitrage you, they compete, so you can buy the stock that enters the S&P 500 for a reasonable price.

The other way round, the more they arbitrage me, the more I buy dear (they front run me and push the price up).

I think eru is right. Here's my argument:

Tomorrow I will buy 10 shares of XYZ at any price, and everyone knows this. XYZ is worth $100/share and today that is the price. If one other person in the world owns XYZ shares they can sell it to me for $200,$300, whatever price they name. If 2 people own shares, there will be competition, and I'll buy at the cheapest price available. If 1000 people own shares I will still have to pay more then $100, but if there is true competition on price then I should only pay slightly over $100.

That's not the way I understand the arbitrage, you are assuming hedge funds have no impact on prices.

Say company X is getting bigger, and pretty much qualifies to get into the S&P500 at the next revision of the index, it currently trades around 100.

When it gets into the S&P500 all the ETF buyers will buy this stock, that will push the price up to 110. Some of them will buy it at 100, some will buy it at 110 and some anywhere in the middle.

Now a bunch of hedge funds anticipate the ETF will do that and start buying it ahead of the stock going to the index. The price of that stock will rise to 102, 105, perhaps 107 if you have lots of people doing this arbitrage.

When the ETFs buyers pile in, they will be picking up the stock somewhere between 105 and 110, not 100 and 110.

Now one can argue this is the problem of the bank maintaining the ETF, because as far as the ETF investors are concerned, they own something that tracks the index, if it costs more to replicate the index, it is not their problem. But the way I see it is that the new stock will enter the index at an inflated price, and the price will converge again to the fair value when all the buying is done (instead of the price going up after the stock joins the index and converge again). That means that the ETF investors will have a lower performance than what they would get if no one was arbitraging them.

The index-tracking-fund managers are well aware of this. There are comments elsewhere in this thread detailing some of the strategies they can use. This has also been going on for a while, see: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9844686

"As someone who is on the side of actively managing money, I see this as a strong positive. The more passive money there is sloshing around the more arb opportunities there are!"

In the medium term active and passive management will eventually reach equilibrium. Passive funds cannot perform price discovery as well and rely on active funds to do this. However the ability of computers to discover prices will eventually exceed that of humans not possessing insider knowledge. My money is, literally, with the computers.

The problem of market pricing in the economy is NP-hard. It's means as a human if you're good you'll always have a chance. At the very least you can pull moves like "1. buy a big stake in the company. 2. Kick out the directors. 3. Do a better job". which computers will not be able to do for quite a while.

I don't see why you're being downvoted. Here's a reference for market pricing being almost certainly NP-hard: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1002.2284 "Markets are efficient if and only if P = NP"

This paper's claim that finding an effective technical trading strategy is in NP relies on the search space for technical strategies being exponential in the length of history being considered (which it's not -- that's the size of a description of a single strategy) and the tacit assumption that historic performance of a strategy guarantees future performance.

Because of the assumption of there being a correct answer. It is as much a problem of definitions and arbitary valuation as anything.

An academic analysis like what you linked to has to assume everybody have settled on the same definitions and valuations.

That's true of all analysis. We can't even calculate 1 + 1 if we are not going to agree to the definition of the plus sign.

See my other comment describing what a perfect answer looks like.

There's a good argument to be made, that doing the market is harder than NP.

Market pricing can't be NP-hard -- if it was, that would mean there was a perfect answer, we just might not have to computing power to calculate it.

I solve huge NP-hard problems every day, I've never seen any suggestion there is a useful way to solve marking pricing.

The problem is thus: How to price every good and service at equilibrium in the economy, with regards to the marginal cost and marginal benefit of every individual for every good and service.

You have not seen any suggestion to solve this problem, does not mean it isn't NP-hard.

>> we just might not have to computing power to calculate it.

There is a perfect answer, and there will almost never be enough computing power to calculate it. It is always approximated.

Keywords being cost, benefit and every individual. Those are all big variables. Everybody will define what the cost and what the benefit of everything is differently, both from their own perspective and from the perspective they perceive that others has/should have.

So you'll have more "perfect" answers than people, and no way to select any one of them.

That's like saying if you don't have a GPS the travelling salesmen problem isn't at least NP complete because you don't know what the weights are and every edge has a different weight, which would screw with your calculations.

It's not a valid argument against the fact that everyone does have their marginal benefit and marginal costs for every good and service that can translate to a binary decision of whether they would purchase a good or service at a given price.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. And I'm not saying it's impossible to find out individuals marginal benefits and costs, because in markets you very well can. Stock traders, when evaluating whether a stock would go up or down, would often buy a bunch of stock, see how the market takes it, then sell a bunch, and by measuring how fast the market eats his orders, he can estimate the aggregate marginal benefit and cost of holding the stock, and then speculate accordingly.

> the fact that everyone does have their marginal benefit and marginal costs for every good and service that can translate to a binary decision of whether they would purchase a good or service at a given price.

I think this fact is more like an axiom.

An easy way to check if you have an NP-hard problem: If I give you the right answer, can I easily convince you that the answer is right?

With NP-hard problems like Sudoku, that's easy. Slightly simplifying, the definition of NP-hard is "easy to check the answer, hard to find it".

A problem being NP hard doesn't mean that humans are competitive against computers. I'd like to see you solve SAT instances faster than cryptominisat, or do linear optimization better than Gurobi.

We have more of a chance solving complex problems better than AI, than if we were solving "simple" problems like chess, or even, Go.

EDIT: Added rabbit ears for simple.

Those are not simple problems. Generalized Chess is EXPTIME complete, so I'd say it's pretty hard.

An advisory service could recommend a hostile takeover, but not execute it.

You don't need to solve an NP hard problem to beat human intervention. You just have to be faster and more accurate.

I do think that computers could outperform humans on the supply side, calculating the costs of production relative to competitors better than humans. The demand side is trickier but again computers would do a better job calculating available cash and then ranking marginal goods' likelihood of being purchased based on existing prices.

As long as prices and production processes are public knowledge computers will do better than people at modeling the economy. Humans only gain an advantage through insider knowledge and trade secrets.

>The problem of market pricing in the economy is NP-hard.

Is it? I mean, I see how it's reflexive (and so chaotic) but NP-hard is the halting problem: given a program and it's input, decide if it halts. E.g. what is the input to your market function? It's like asking if the world halts.

The thing about all complexity analysis is that it ignores input/output.

NP-hard is the class of problems that are at least as hard as NP. The halting problem is in there, but it isn't decidable _at all_.

Just that its NP-hard doesn't mean it's as hard as the halting problem, it could be easily decidable in exponential time.

Complexity analysis is all about the size of the input, it doesn't ignore it.

> I can't think of a single reason that anyone should have any money in an actively managed mutual fund.

It will depend on your bank, but anecdotally it seems commission free mutual funds are more common than commission free ETFs. If you are the type who wants to invest X% of every paycheck (i.e. making multiple trades a month), are only investing a small amount of money, or are only investing for the short to medium term, you are likely better off with the the higher fee and lower commission. Retirement savings tend to be none of those three categories, so ETFs are almost universally better in that regard.

My understanding is there is no fee when putting in money towards your Vanguard Index Fund. I don't think they charge any extra money per transaction. You probably get screwed a little based on how quickly prices update and what price you pay per share (I don't know if you do but I'm just guessing). However, as people who don't have a day job in buying and selling financial instruments, I think we are probably better off buying and holding. And hoping and praying the US economy and the world economy will overall grow in the next fifty or so years.


> If you are the type who wants to invest X% of every paycheck (i.e. making multiple trades a month), are only investing a small amount of money, or are only investing for the short to medium term, you are likely better off with the the higher fee and lower commission.

Roboadvisors like Wealthfront solve this problem more elegantly and at lower cost.

Generally I agree with you. However I can provide a personal counter-example. I am a student with a modest sum saved away (with great help from my parents) in an index tracking mutual fund. Due to the way my bank offers investment packages, I am far below the minimum portfolio balance required for significantly less fees. However, I can have a mutual fund in a different type of account offering which is essentially the same as an identical ETF.

This is (Canadian) RBC - Direct Investing.

In addition this particular fund also significantly outperformed other ETFs during 2008-09.

Questrade in Canada lets you buy ETFs for free, as little as one share at a time. You only pay when you sell ($0.01 a share, minimum $5 a trade).

Anything sold by the big banks in Canada is almost always a ridiculous rip-off.

Even better might be something like Wealthsimple.

(Not affiliated with either company except as a customer)

Friend of mine work over at WealthSimple. Glad to hear people like it.

Outperforming the market in bear years is the main reason in keep some of my money in managed funds.

Is the statement "more passive money implies more arbitrage opportunities" actually true?

1. I think passive money is generally not taking any position on whether an asset is over or under priced, and as a class tends to be very inactive. I doubt it either increases or decreases arb that much.

2. I think what would increase arb opportunities would be:

A. A critical mass of misinformed active managers

B. So few active managers that the market is gameable

However, as the number of active managers decreases, one would think that the misinformed ones would go first (A), and that (B) won't be a linear progression, but a sudden tipping point at a very low level of active management.

Actually, I sort of think the final statement is reversed. As the number of active managers declines, and the average active manager becomes more competent, it will become harder for the active managers to find profitable arbitrage opportunities.

Why are actively managed funds paid via fees, and not based on performance?

If someone (or some company) is claiming to be better than me at using my money to make money, surely they'd agree to put skin in the game, and only profit when I do?

If they don't feel confident enough about their choices making money (and hence, ensuring they get compensated), why should I?

edit: I was referring to the types of funds typical retail investors are in, not hedge funds.

> If someone (or some company) is claiming to be better than me at using my money to make money, surely they'd agree to put skin in the game, and only profit when I do?

Imagine you believe that mail order companies are poised for rapid growth in coming years. You don't know which ones specifically, and there are thousands. So you buy a mutual fund which holds hundreds of these companies. This gives you some diversification and lets you make your bet with only a single commission to buy and sell.

But the fund manager may disagree with your investment thesis. She may be fully convinced that online shopping has already destroyed the mail order business permanently. She would therefore gladly run a fund for you, but she would not bet on its performance herself.

For a somewhat more real-life example of this, watch or read "The Big Short." The protagonist wants to buy something that the banks think will lose money.

> But the fund manager may disagree with your investment thesis.

I'm referring to funds managed for me with the proposition that they will beat the market, i.e. the fund manager has a thesis which they agree with (because it is theirs.)

So while what you're referring to of course exists, it's not what I was talking about.

Apologies for being too vague in my post, however I thought the underlying assumption of this discussion of actively managed funds being chipped away by passive ones was that we were talking about the types of investment vehicles used by a "normal" person that wants to put their money in something that will grow over time, without having to pick stocks on their own.

This normal person who has no strategy at all had better just buy a broad index fund. It's made for them!

If a person's only belief in the market is that they want to beat it, they are out of luck before the opening bell.

That's a good way to put it. Wonder then if most fund managers fundamentally don't believe that they can beat the market. They say they can for marketing purposes, but their fee structure indicates they can't.

What about this, a mutual fund that users don't really care about what industry it goes into (as long as it is legal) and then the manager decides? In reality are grandma and grampa really deeply insistent that their money should go into mail order businesses so to speak or are they more interested into getting a certain return and would rather have a fund manager "professional" decide? I see the second choice as more plausable somehow.

That's a good way to put it. Wonder then if most fund managers fundamentally don't believe that they can beat the market.

The wall street journal interviews fund managers every year or so, and asks them, if someone gave you all their money in return for a fixed, guaranteed annual interest rate, how much would you promise them?

Generally the answers are in the 1-2% range

So going back to the last dip in 2008, that would be roughly equivalent to average inflation, no?

The question includes the phrasing, "after inflation"

> Why are actively managed funds paid via fees, and not based on performance?

Pay for performance creates an incentive for outsize risks. Sure, our Subprime Mortgages Fund and Greek Bond Opportunities Fund were down this year, but Powerball Tickets Fund and Vegas Bet Everything On Red Fund more than covered those losses.

If you're a risk-averse investor, your most likely match is some variant of slow-growth, growth-at-reasonable-rate or dividend-reinvestment strategy. Paying for assets under management motivates the advisor to at least not lose all your money and keep you as a client.

This is why I don't invest in actively managed funds.

I like the argument that if anyone could pick stocks better than average, they'd end owning everything - but I don't pretend to understand the share market well enough to be confident investing everything according to that.

But if the very people who know most about the share market charge fixed fees, this seems to me to be an implicit recognition that they can't out-perform the market in any meaningful way. I once engaged a broker in an argument about this, and they ended up admitting that the only value they added was managing the whole shares-bonds-cash mix for people who couldn't or didn't want to do it for themselves.

And back to the point of the article, automating that management would not be difficult. I agree that there are hard times ahead for most brokers.

Because drawdowns are inevitable and investment companies need operating capital even in (particularly in) down markets.

If they were paid solely based on performance then you would also pay points on the spread between what you lost vs. what some benchmark lost that year. I can't imagine many investors wanting to take on that kind of risk.

> and investment companies need operating capital even in (particularly in) down markets.

Do they though?

As far as I know, the premise of the public stock market is that there are companies that feel they have an idea/opportunity to make money, but it needs more capital than they have available to get going.

Going even further back to basics - it's like saying, "We all need to eat, and by myself I can't take down this big animal I've spotted to kill, but if we get together as a pack, I think we CAN do it together, and we'll all benefit (i.e. eat.)"

Given that view of the market, clearly some of the companies that wish to raise money from the public will succeed, and others will fail. In theoretical simpler times, we could evaluate companies based on the merits of their ideas (their prospectus), and decide whether or not to invest. Perhaps this "lightbulb" concept, or "horseless carriage", "telegram", or "Facebook" concept makes sense to us, and we choose to back the idea with our money.

Things are clearly more complicated in this day and age. Because of this complexity, we have a new breed of companies - meta-companies, if you will - that promise to do the evaluation of other companies for us, and tell us which ones to put our money into. The product of these companies is not the actual product itself - the lightbulb, car, or social network - but instead, the return on investment itself.

For traditional companies - when the product flops, we stop investing, and the company eventually ceases to exist. Sometimes you get General Electric or Ford, and other times you get Pets.com.

To me, one of these meta-companies whose products is returns, that fails to produce said returns - should stop receiving capital. It seems to me that actively managed funds that continually fail to beat the market should not continue to collect people's money in the form or fees - and therein lies the madness of the current situation.

(Note - I realize that investments do not provide returns immediately or overnight, and therefore timeframes should be attached to any sort of promises an investment company might offer. If they don't believe they are able to do so, even with a reasonably sized window of time - then I fail to see how they are any better than a roulette table.)

"Why are actively managed funds paid via fees, and not based on performance?"

Simple, As Warren Buffet said when he created an investment firm, he expected to be judged over the general market wave, that is if the market crashes 75%(like in 2008 or the great depression) just maintaining the funds worth(or loosing small) is a great deal and you are a genius. If the market skyrockets 50% per year and you get 10%, you are not so good.

Putting it another way, they are already based on performance over the market.

They do both, 2 and 20 is standard, 2% fee yearly and 20% of the profits they make.

That's true of hedge funds not mutual funds. The op was imprecise.

> The op was imprecise.

True. Edited my comment.

How do you pay your staff in bad time? Do you just go bust the first year there is a market sell-off?

You save some of the profits from good years.

Since learning about the concept of the Baltimore Stockbroker, I'm thinking that actively managed funds as a concept are horseshit.


>Here's a cautionary tale. A broker sends you 10 free stockmarket predictions in a row that all come true, and then asks for money for an 11th. The stockbroker's offer seems reasonable enough. His strike rate is 10 out of 10, so surely he will be right the next time, too? Don't do it! If you pay for the 11th tip, you will have fallen victim to the oldest scam in the book. Unknown to you, the stockbroker has been sending every combination of possible predictions to tens of thousands of other people, and you are one of the unlucky few who got 10 good ones in a row.

>Imagine you are considering investing in a mutual fund. Before funds are opened up to the public, they are often monitored in-house. Funds that don't perform well can be shut down, without the public ever knowing. Ellenberg warns that if you are seduced by funds with an eye-popping rate of return, then you are walking into the Baltimore stockbroker's trap: "You've been swayed by the impressive results, but you don't know how many chances the broker had to get those results."

I read that it is fairly easy to guess which companies will move in and out of S&P 500 and similar indexes, and since a larger and larger part of the market now sits in passive funds it is easy to predict large movements in buy and sell around when these indexes are updated.

So that should definitely open up some opportunities to beat the passive funds.

Not really, the big index fund providers are smart and they even pre emptively buy companies likely to be added to the index, and they sometimes wait a bit before rebalancing to their index. This intentional randomness makes it very difficult to front run index funds.

Isn't that, itself, a species of active management?

It could be construed as such. Really it's all about execution strategy.

If your concern is that it's active you can always check to see how well the fund tracks the index. The reality is that they track the indexes so well that it doesn't matter. At least for total market or S&P 500 funds.

There are problematic indexes that don't seem to get tracked well by funds.

these index add/remove trades have been happening for as long as "program trading" now HFT has been a thing.

It's a significant subplot of the book, Ugly Americans


If there was any opportunity to take advantage of large movements, it is likely somebody else is already doing it.

Trading firms compete (and are paid to) to make the markets on these products. Any arbitrage opportunity is quickly eaten up.

I am not very cheerful about the markets being "-largely driven by passive investors. Traditional investors play a pivotal role in corporate governance and strategy, and reward management with a track record. Unfortunately the flows are becoming more and more driven by passive strategies, and this can potentially lead to negative externalities in the economy [1].

[1] http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2663398

I don't think that you have any reason to worry. Once everybody is using index funds, there will be plenty of opportunities for actively managed profits, and people will begin to take advantage of it again.

I think you're right, if a large portion of a company's stock is owned by passive funds, there should be some arbitrage opportunities since the funds won't buy or sell based on the company's fundamentals.

Honestly, I'm with you on this. Still stacking up on index but everyone will have to switch at some point.

I think another side effect of this is increasing the long bias markets already have. I could definitely see being short the market becoming a very dangerous proposition. Price discovery is a lot more difficult when it becomes costly to short things and I can only see this leading to greater volatility and heightened market crashes. Related to corporate governance, Chanos [1] shows the importance of short selling through Enron.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Chanos

Article you linked to is about passive investing in commodities pushing commodities prices up. I agree this is a negative externality. But we're discussing passive investing in equities pushing equities prices up, which have positive externalities in the economy. This is good.

I too am worried, but if this crisis comes to pass I will do my duty and start working for a hedge fund.

Plus it creates a correlation of 1 in the market for completely unrelated businesses.

Diversification is good for individual investors, but it's also a good way for an economy, or for a financial sector to hedge against systemic risks.

So if ETFs are taking over, it may be an improvement overall, but it's worth thinking through the black swans, the new low probability high impact risks that this creates.

Bloomberg has had a few comments about liquidity risks for ETFs on their site and in the Odd Lots podcast.[0] On the other hand, they've made these comments for a few years now, so maybe this is a chicken little story. Or maybe it only kicks in under certain conditions, like if we saw interest rates, demand for goods, and inflation spike, people start moving to other investments, potentially causing a sudden run on funds that are stuck holding only bonds without any real returns or way to offload them?

[0] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-09-23/etf-liquid...

So invest in a black swan fund.

Black swan funds have been doing neat things. But I didn't mean to imply I'm concerned about this as an individual investor.

I'm honestly not that concerned about it at all, because it seems like an unlikely problem. But to whatever extent I am, the question wouldn't be "how do I protect my own investments?" It would be, "how should we protect all the retirement savings across the country that are placed under passive management automatically?"

To really answer that question though, we'd probably have to know the actual level of risk and the timing of any crisis, which aren't trivial questions.

this is not how science works

I think this is pretty naive. Customers (generally large institutional investors) don't choose active managers because those managers provide superior returns. They choose them for the same reason that people choose big consulting firms like BCG or McKinsey: status and affiliation, nepotism, internal power struggles, and cover-your-ass blame insurance.

I mentioned in a previous thread about this -- I worked for several years in an asset management firm before moving on to other things. We frequently assisted clients in the process of firing us. We would prepare white papers for them, give them data and slick charts. Sometimes this would literally disrupt the quants and research team and we had to join in creating materials that would be used by client board members in their presentation of the decision to fire us. Sometimes we even had to provide examples of this kind of work when a client was hiring us -- our helpfulness and data services during the times when we are fired was actually a prominent selling point. We were basically saying, hire us now and you get to look fancy. Fire us later and we'll set you up to look principled and full of conviction to do the right thing as a sophisticated board member.

There are all kinds of laws restricting gifts you can give to clients or receive from clients, and just as many stories about how such-and-such a client took some regional sales manager out to a strip club, or flew them some place and got them a reservation at some exclusive restaurant or something.

It's all political. As a technical person, you are hired to look fancy on paper. I remember overhearing my boss bragging to a prospective client that the team had an "Ivy League graduate" leading up their quantitative software development ... on my second day of work! I had zero financial experience of any kind at the time. It was ludicrous.

It's painful to see everyone buying into this. I hope beyond all hope that clients do a better job of actually holding firms responsible for returns. Firms that don't engage in legitimate statistical research to determine an edge in investing will fold up, and firms that actually have a chance at superior returns might actually start letting their staff do real research work instead of bullshit marketing and catering to client political whims.

But that's a fairy tale world. This will all blow over and clients will continue dedicating huge blocks of their endowments or retirement funds to active managers for political reasons and will continue happily not holding those managers accountable for inferior returns.

> They choose them for the same reason that people choose big consulting firms like BCG or McKinsey: status and affiliation, nepotism, internal power struggles, and cover-your-ass blame insurance.

There must be some lean way to exploit that.

In theory, you could manufacture status for your consulting firm. (So that's why BCG and McKinsey plaster German universities with their ads.)

The barriers to entry in these kinds of status/credential fields are extremely high. Starting a new asset management firm is extremely difficult, and no customer is even going to talk to you until you have a five year track record of performance and a ton of marketing machinery surrounding it.

Whether it's my grandma at the local bank or a huge endowment for a state teacher's union, people still want a handshake and a white-toothed car salesman smile when they hand over their money -- they want a false sense of security even if they are knowingly complicit in its falseness.

Since you can't pop up overnight and start claiming "Hey, we've been around for X years so trust us" it makes it very hard.

One exception is with small hedge funds that are created with a direct tie to a wealthy individual. That's almost always how small hedge funds start and few other types survive. Basically, there will be some semi-rich hot shot finance types who want to start a hedge fund, and then they have to convince some wealthy business contact, someone with usually > $100 MM in assets, who doesn't mind fronting the significant costs to get a small strategy up and running. Then, if it works, that wealthy person will effectively be the marketing department for a while and will recruit other wealthy connections to give somewhat small amounts of money, growing AUM slowly.

If you really succeed beyond the 5-8 year mark, then you can start trying to tap into more traditional client streams.

But basically, without a close connection to a significantly wealthy person, the status-based barriers to entry for things like management consulting and asset management are just too high.

The financial industry (as a whole) is very very far from having its Napster moment.

The industry has gotten much tighter regulated since the GFC giving the incumbents an even stronger grip on their position.

And the specific low-cost index funds, the article is dealing with, have been around for decades now. I really don't think the headline is called for.

Matt Levine has a great article on this, exploring the subject with a lot more nuance http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-04-07/fiduciaries... (as always).

Thanks for that link, really helpful.

tl;dr: the financial industry is distasteful.

i understand what is being said here. i don't think it is revelatory.

on the other hand this article just adds another small contribution to my strong distaste for the practices of the financial industry overall.

investing money into funds to make more money seems great at first glance, but once you dig into the details and realise the number of people involved taking their cut, how many companies are effectively running off of weird loans through 'ownership', and how many piles of assets are owned by people as a mechanism to make more money... its all very distasteful to me. :(

then again, i don't like investment. i don't want it for my own company. it looks like a way to become beholden to others and introduce a risk of spending more money than you actually have.

The more money that moves in to passive funds, the less efficient the market becomes and the more opportunities for profit through active investment.

Prove it.

Where there is a buck to be made, someone will make it. All this talk of index funds ruining capitalism just sounds like a bunch of whiny fund managers not getting their cut.

I don't know about proving that the market will be "less efficient", as OP put it, but certainly the rules would be quite different.

If 100% of retail investors were in "passively" managed funds, wouldn't that just be saying there's a giant fund of money available, to be split among public companies that meet certain criteria - and thus a set of concrete rules to be gamed?

It would just be another input into the market equation. Investors could then say, "I think the macro environment right now is going to lead to events X and Y happening, which will in turn ruin these 5 companies, which will cause a rebalance in the giant pool of passively managed fund money, and so I'm going to make this bet that that happens."

Until they reach an equilibrium where active and passive management yield the same risk-adjusted returns.

Maybe the active funds will reduce their fees to stay competitive.

The profits will mostly go to algo shops I imagine.

This is actually the opposite because ETFs and index funds increase stock correlation and the more correlation among stocks the less hedge you can find. If all stocks moved exactly with the S&P500, you would not make any money.

You forget dividends. If the correlation among stocks is too close to 1, it means that stock prices do not adequately reflect earnings and dividends. So the incentive not to buy index funds would grow and that would make correlations stop growing.

Also, the S&P 500 is a market cap based index, which means that passive investors have to ape active investors. So even a small minority of active investors would dominate price formation.

Ultimately, I think, the impact of ETFs on correlations will be limited.

Dividends are included in the returns when computing correlations. Hedge funds make bets on stocks over performing or under performing compared to a benchmark. If all stocks perform the same, there is no hedge because the weight of a stock in the portfolio does not impact portfolio return.

Didn't the Napster moment happen in the late 1970's when John Bogle started Vanguard?

No, in context "Napster moment" is used to describe the effect on the industry, especially when the revenues are moving. Even though Vanguard and ETFs have been around, no one paid attention to them for decades.

I wonder if there's an opportunity for someone to come along and undercut the passively managed ETFs and index funds? 0.10% is still a lot of money when you're managing billions or trillions; is there any reason someone couldn't come along and provide the same service for a 0.01% or 0.001% fee?

Vanguard is the "credit union" of index funds - it's owned by the funds themselves rather than making a profit for some third party. Vanguard has lowered their fees on several occasions as their funds got bigger, and they manage a ridiculous amount of money, so I imagine they'd be very hard to undercut.

This seems implausible. A 0.01% fee on a $1bn fund equates to $100,000. This isn't enough to pay a single full-time employee, not to mention to actually conduct trades, perform accounting, and deal with legal/tax considerations.

You don't really need to make any more then that if you're front running your own trades!

Describe precisely how that works please.

If index funds become the default investment of choice, will their value diminish?

Short answer: yes, and already happening.

As an outsider, I'd love to read more about this.

Basically if you are following the same publicly known strategy (buy the index), other investors can arbitrage you by buying or selling ahead of you, like before a stock becomes part of the S&P500. That means you always buy stocks dearer and always sell cheaper.

That's why confidentiality and anonymity is crucial to a functioning market.

If there any difference if people were to instead invest in a Total Market index fund vs a S&P500 one?

You dodge the arbitrage of stocks getting in and out of the index but you miss the virtue on using an index, which is that the index rules are not a horrible investment strategy: buy the stocks that are on the rise, sell when stocks are on the way down.

But total markets will still have other downsides, like all the stocks become completely correlated if enough people are only making investment decisions on the total market instead of individual stocks, and prices become less meaningful.

Interesting - I've been saving money and trying to get into investing more recently, and lots of the advice I've read for someone young seems to point towards using an allocation of something like 90% stocks and 10% bonds, maybe like

- 55% Vanguard Total Market Index

- 35% Vanguard Total Market International Index

- 10% mixture of Vanguard bond domestic and international index funds

Is there a better strategy out there besides index funds that doesn't involve me getting eaten alive with active fund fees? A lot of what I read suggests that actively managed funds never consistently outperform the market index.

Fees have been going down from 1% to 0.05%.

The actively managed funds in my 401k are all underperforming the market. Why pat a premium to lose money?

The 401k situation especially egregious: Even good companies in the financial business end up picking horrible choices for their 401k options. For instance, my current employer has an SP500 index fund in their choices... with a 0.3% fee! For comparison, Vanguard charges me 0.05% for tracking the same index, for an enormous, nonsensical profit of the fund my employer picked. And that's the cheapest one by far! Most options are active funds with 2% fees.

Nobody in their right mind would use funds like that if they bought them for their own IRA, but 401Ks create a captive audience, so this terrible funds exist, just to abuse companies that aren't paying attention, or are getting something in return of letting employee money get siphoned off.

So sometimes, you are paying a big premium no matter what you do.

Its worse than that even, my company has a Vanguard fund that I pay 0.05% in my IRA, but the 401k provider charges 0.3% and pockets the difference!

Frequently, the people making 401k provider decisions (HR) are not well versed in finance or the incentives are misaligned (companies are looking for cheap vs good for their employees).

This is a situation that congress could easily fix, get rid of 401k plans that are attached to employers, and instead have employers contribute directly into employee IRAs.

I still haven't found anyone who could explain to me why there are 401k plans. Wouldn't it be much easier if people could contribute the same amount to an IRA where they can invest as they see fit? Why should the employer be able to pick available investment options for employees?

To me this looks like a subsidy to the financial industry.

Its that, of course. And its stability in retirement savings - some folks would put it all in gold mines and internet stocks. And its political - has to be a managed plan or you can't monitor how much everybody is putting into it, balance the tax dodging so not only the top employees benefit.

Like anything else, its lots of things put together and evolved.

As a member of financial industry, I wouldn't say that.

"Active" brokerages are biting the dust? Well, good riddance! Moving people out of the loop is generally a good idea.

Now, passively managed funds are a good thing, during the growth market. However, once around every ten years, a recession comes. Then, suddenly, index-tracking funds become passé, and everyone wants a strategy to survive the market downfall.

And we have a lot of things to bring in from the current tech state of the art. Blockchain is ingenious, and the art of defining modern financial instruments using blockchain features is in its infancy. So, there is a lot of work to do, and lot of potential to grow.

I wonder what will happen to London. Maybe the housing bubble will finally burst ?

Already happening at the top end. The smart money is talking about moving elsewhere, especially after the recent tax changes.

The top end - flats worth a million and up - has a long way to fall, because there's a glut of new build coming onto the market.

The mid and lower ends have a lot more latent demand, but the end of cheap buy-to-let will force at least some landlords to sell up.

Prices would usually level off, but if sterling keeps drifting lower foreign money will dump a lot of its speculative holdings. That could crash prices by big numbers, and also drop rents because many speculative buys are currently left empty.

If the top end collapses the result those buyers may move into lower end properties and move the prices up even more.

I don't think a million or more qualifies as top end FWIW

Whats really happening is the the really big players are now extracting wealth from the middle ones. For the American people, this means the middle class gets destroyed, but the key here is that lots of people that are technically "middle class", are really in the top lowerhalf of the 1%, but many of them don't realize the wave to come.

So once even the 200k/year lawyer down the street is suddenly homeless because he actually had negative net worth, then it will be too late, but the real point is that there is no more money to be extracted from the lower classes except by death by a thousand cuts (taxes), so all the middle men hedge funders etc are going to be mergered and acquisitioned away as the banks learn how to manipulate the blockchain market and take it over just like they have everthing else.

Digitalization of the financial industry is just the buzzword scapegoat they are going to use to get it done. The same way in which, you see the former director of NSA leaving and joining a bank, and then yelling doom and gloom about hackers zeroing out accounts. All that tells me is that is what they have already planned.

I can see the headline now: "Hacker breach $BANKS, transfer $BILLIONS. Another bailout unavoidable to prevent collapse."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the elite oligarchical international bankers are closer to terrorists than businessmen.

Is there really such thing as a passive fund?

I have a strong feeling that the contents of the index (or at least weights) can still be manipulated. And also that the fees are just moving down the food chain somehow.

If you think I'm wrong, just consider that a public company can own stock in another public company.

This will all become more obvious when "passive funds" take over more of the market.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. "Passive" is descriptive of the strategy & nothing more.

Those funds are trying to mimic the returns of a particular market segment. If a passive fund argued that a particular market segment had implicit fees & therefore they charged similar, it would still be passive.

The article is talking more about the declining average load due to passive funds. If the average load goes down, I'm saying that those fees are probably just moving somewhere else rather than upsetting the industry.

It moves into the price discovery mechanism of the market. More people in passive funds => fewer people doing active research on companies => greater likelihood that the market price of a security doesn't reflect the underlying fundamentals of the business => arbitrage opportunities for active traders, as chollida1 pointed out.

People will still get phenomenally rich in the stock market, wealth inequality will still increase. The difference is that people have to work for it now, building up their own information advantage, rather than being able to siphon off large fees simply because they went to a good school and talked a fellow alum into hiring them. This is a plus in my book.

>Is there really such thing as a passive fund?

To me passive and active are ends of a spectrum which specify how much labor and trading is done with the fund's assets.

Sorry but what's the difference between ETFs and index funds? It was presented to me as the same thing just one word being more common in Europe and the other more common in the US.

ETFs are exchange traded funds are just that: investment funds which trade on an exchange, where you can invest and divest by trading a symbol.

Index funds are investment funds which seek to match the performance of a target index.

The concepts are orthogonal. You can have index funds which aren't ETFs and you can have ETFs which aren't index funds.

Quite interesting, thanks.

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." --Rothschild since 1744

They deserve it quite a bit more than the music industry ever did.


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