| | Ask YC: Thinking of joining a startup - is this a red-flag? | |
11 points by paulgb on Feb 13, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 54 comments
| | I'm considering joining a startup as an early employee. The company has a promising product, a smart and passionate team, and a big client. However, the team hasn't decided what share of equity everyone will get and doesn't plan to until they have something to divide. While I trust the team and I'm sure they intend to fairly distribute the equity, I worry that this could potentially cause tension in the team. Am I worrying too much, or is this something I should be concerned about? |
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Imagine this hypothetical scenario: 1 Year from now, you have a decent amount of cash flow, and are steaming along smoothly. As far as personal income is concerned, you've all somehow survived on savings, credit, and a small salary. Now an investor comes up and wishes to invest, or say that you have a buyer or some other liquidation event. How will you split the harvest? Now each of the founders looks back and evaluates how much they feel they've contributed. Disagreements arise. The programmers claim that they built the product, the sales guys claim that they brought the income in, and ultimately, the legal owner with 100% equity gets the money and you never speak with each other again.
The moral of the story: It's easier to divide a hypothetical pie now than a real pie later. Get the equity worked out now.