Re: "The title is slightly incorrect--there has never been a time in montana that there is no speed limit"
== SNIP ==
During a challenge of such a ticket in 1998, the Montana Supreme Court declared the Reasonable and Prudent Speed Limit unconstitutional, on the basis of vagueness. Remember the Governor, Judges, Highway Patrol et al wanted speed limits, rather than ruling the way the MHP was enforcing them was wrong, the Court struck down the law altogether so they would be forced to have speed limits, thereby circumventing the legislature's blocking of their collective efforts.
To their chagrin, during this last 5 months of no law whatsoever Montana reported its modern low in fatal accidents.
== SNIP ==
During a challenge of such a ticket in 1998, the Montana Supreme Court declared the Reasonable and Prudent Speed Limit unconstitutional, on the basis of vagueness. Remember the Governor, Judges, Highway Patrol et al wanted speed limits, rather than ruling the way the MHP was enforcing them was wrong, the Court struck down the law altogether so they would be forced to have speed limits, thereby circumventing the legislature's blocking of their collective efforts.
To their chagrin, during this last 5 months of no law whatsoever Montana reported its modern low in fatal accidents.
== SNIP ==