I'm a student working in my spare time on a web application. One of the big things keeping me from taking it off my personal server (on a subdomain) is the lack of a good name, and hence a domain name.
Do you have an advice on how to come up with a good name?
I was in my beloved Alderman library when "reddit" came to mind, as in "I reddit on reddit" (although this slogan was courtesy of PG). I'd also registered reditt because I couldn't decide which one was better. Granted, I was worried about how poorly it was spelled, but it seemed easy enough to remember.
For a time, it was just added to a long list of potential names. We spent the first month of YC without a confirmed name, but I always stuck with reddit despite being repeatedly told how terrible a name it was :-)
Finally Steve acquiesced and we went with reddit. This was after wasting a solid 2 entire days just hunting for domains -- not a great use of time, I must say.
It was also before instantdomainsearch.com, which I highly recommend.