He reminds me of moot, the founder of 4chan, only he seems to be more technically adept. The key story is the same, though: "I created this side-project on a whim when I was young; now it's taking over the internet and I have no idea how to properly monetize or grow it. It's reached critical mass, but it has also grown beyond my ability to analyze and change its direction in meaningful ways. Also, it's full of dicks."
Chatroulette fits the YC model perfectly. Cheap to run, started by a young guy, builds an audience without marketing. Perhaps YC should build a Moscow office.
And the monetization will come. Twitter is valued 1B+, without making any revenues, I believe. Building the audience first is more important.
17 May 2010 is when the new issue of New Yorker will be published. This future-dating happens frequently on the websites of dead-tree organs, when said organs are considerate enough to provide their content online before the tree-slaughter has even begun.
Happens on monthly magazines too, they are dated the following month. I guess its a way to extend the sell-by date. Readers only want the latest issue. This is a way to give the appearance of.
Exactly. I used to write for monthly magazines, and it was a mess. Especially around Christmas, where they'd skip an edition, so sometimes what came out in late November was called the January-February edition... Ming-boggling.