I don't know how they're going to compete with theknot.com. I've thought of this idea before and searched out the competitors. Every women and girl out there knows theknot is where you go to plan weddings. theknot is featured in every women magazine available. Heck, I don't plan on getting married anytime soon and I even know you go to theknot.
But hey, it's cool they're trying new things out but they seriously need talk to women before diving into a woman industry related area.
Well, ProjectWedding.com was designed by women and it is steadily growing (it currently receives 10,000 page views a day from northern california bride-to-bes).
It's assumptions like yours about theknot.com's monopoly which make this "project" (pun intended) particularly enticing :)
I had this same idea about 6 months ago (right around the time I got engaged ;). What is going to set you apart from theknot.com? I don't disagree that you could do it better than the knot but competing what that marketing machine is right up there with fighting Google.
Knowing tonnes of women might be using the site, many WILL notice it:) For such sites details matter a lot; and getting the basics such as this wrong can get your users to lose trust in your site.
Zaid, it's not about whether people will notice it -- they WILL notice it because it's catchy and memorable. Calling the logo out is irrelevant because the logo works in regards to weddings.
Point taken. If that's the case then I guess there is nothing broken here and I'm assuming folks behind the site did their homework when creating the logo.
So have they decided the web desktop thing isn't in demand?