Please let me know if you like it! I presume quite a few hackers out here are like me constantly checking hacker news on their iPhones while they are out. The pinching and zooming is great, but it gets tiring after a while; so I figured I should do something about it. Given that Buxfer already had a good iPhone interface, it did not take that much time to build it.
Of course, this is unofficial. Hopefully, PG won't have a problem with it since it does not create any additional requests for the HN server; just routes request through Buxfer.
I like it, but comment replying isn't working ("A network error occurred. Please refresh before continuing.").
The only thing I would suggest is that you make the hot spot on the comment smaller (only the top, maybe), because when I drag my finger, it keeps clicking the comments.
Thanks for taking the initiative - works very well on the iPhone. I'd ask you to do the recently added 'comments' stream but I'm afraid (ok, certain) that it would make me use the interface more (which is bad in a way - I have 8aweek on my computer(s) limiting access)
Of course, this is unofficial. Hopefully, PG won't have a problem with it since it does not create any additional requests for the HN server; just routes request through Buxfer.