If you like everycircuit you should also try this circuit sim in the browser. It is really cool - especially for learning/teaching:
It was originally developed as a Java applet by Paul Falstad. As Java in the browser got more and more troublesome I modified it to work with HTML 5 for a plug-in free experience. We agreed to release the new version as GPL:
Thanks for your work on this, and for releasing it open source! I used to run Paul's app locally for peace of mind; now I self-host an instance of your version. Encoding the simulation in the URL is brilliant for sharing and teaching.
It is still in Java. I did the port using Google Web Toolkit which compiles Java to Javascript. The main work was to rework libraries available in native Java but not in GWT and to change to match a GWT event model.
I really like proteus from labcenter electronics. It isn't as pretty as this tool (by a million miles), but it can actually simulate microcontrollers and even full-fledged ARM processors.
You can construct an arduino, as in drag it together in an editor similar to this one, run the USB port emulator on your local machine and run the arduino IDE against your simulated circuit, and program stuff to control servos or relays.
They've got such drivers for USB, serial, parallel (if you install a version of windows ancient enough to support parallel ports) and ethernet if memory serves. No wifi though.
Proteus may be nice as a "babby's first electronic" program, but as an actual EDA capture tool it's a fucking disaster (we use it at work, I wish we didn't).
If you want to make a LED blink, buy a actual arduino. If you want to simulate actual analog electronics, bite the bullet and learn SPICE. If you want to actually layout circuit boards, buy ANYTHING else.
Basically, as soon as you have an actual, complex board, the DRC system shits itself, and you wind up having to manually, visually check your layout before manufacturing, rather then letting the software that's supposed to do it do the checking.
Do you know another program that can emulate microcontrollers and preferably also other chips together with actual electrical components in a circuit and make them programmable and simulatable without actual real components ?
Proteus can be very expensive if you want to go legitimate though. A single VSM license is upwards of $200. In most cases it's cheaper for a hobbyist to just buy the components and test out the circuit than to run the simulation.
That being said... it's super useful tool. I used a bootleg version of Proteus during undergrad. Coming from a third-world country where electronics labs are often severely under-equipped... it went a long way towards helping me understand the material I was covering.
It's great to see all the new approaches in this field. IMHO animated interactive visualization of the current flow is pretty to look at, but beyond a certain early point in one's understanding of voltage & current relationships, it's not necessarily more useful than not being there at all (and having non-interactive access only).
For a CS analogy: when you're trying to teach how and why to balance a binary search tree, it's useful to visually draw out the trees of the first few example steps. However, after you understand the concepts and the invariants, it would be rather unhelpful (or even distracting) to have an animated drawing of the tree as the algorithm progresses every time you were working with a BST!
Disclosure -- I wrote CircuitLab https://www.circuitlab.com/ -- another browser-based circuit simulator and schematic capture tool which doesn't do animated graphs, but instead includes:
* algebraically-defined behavioral sources (the ability to define voltage/current relations as an expression, like a spreadsheet or programming language)
* parametric simulation sweeps over any parameter in any element
* export publication-quality vector PDF/EPS/SVG and raster PNGs of your schematics
* easily add custom elements with pins to represent any stuff you like (connectors, modules, etc)
* pure JS solution, or more specifically, CoffeeScript compiled to JS -- the creator of CoffeeScript said "an order of magnitude more [lines of code] than I've ever dealt with in a single project" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3644662 (and the LOC count has grown substantially since that comment!)
Yes, even as a contributor to an animated tool- I agree. A lot of "serious" design caculations and EDA work-flows are better done using a more traditional SPICE-like tool.
An interchange file format for schematics/netlists would be cool to help people swapping between types of analysis and tools.
Yet another app in the cloud that would work much better as a standalone software. It looks nice but I won't invest time learning software that may disappear with the company, is closed source and crippleware to boot.
Wow. The graphics are beautiful. The simulation is pretty standard; LTSpice can do most of the things this can. But the UI is nowhere near as good looking.
There's a nice feature - it tells you when you overloaded a component. LTSpice, for some reason, does not do this, even though the models and the simulation have the info to detect overload.
The interactivity features are awesome. For non-interactive online simulation though I use https://www.partsim.com/ , which has a clunky UI but gives you the freedom to use SPICE.
It's not my own project -- I work on it, but the bulk of the code was written by an electrical engineer. I can state that it's about as good an electrical simulator as you're likely to get in that environment, though, which actually means pretty damn good.
EC is the best, most intuitive tool, you could use on an android device to simulate complex schematics. I've designed some of my best hifi amplifiers in EC. I warmly recommend it to anyone studying the area of electrical engineering, and to enthusiasts as well. Give it a few years,and you'll be pros ;)
Looks very cool, but when I signed up on my phone, I was told that I have a 24 hour trial, after which I would need to pay $15. There didn't seem to be any indication of this before I started.
That seems to be a common sentiment. Not knowing anything about Chrome, what are the relative advantages and drawbacks of it for this type of application?
Does anyone know of any hydraulic or pneumatic schematic simulation tools like this? I've been wanting to make something like that for a number of years now, but haven't yet had the chance.
Also, I'd be curious to know more about the team behind EveryCircuit, what approach they took to managing simulation logic (eg: discrete vs continuous), and other nitty-gritty engineering details.
If you are affiliated with http://everycircuit.com/ please DM me on twitter (@0xbsec) to fix a reflected xss vulnerability. ( tho it's obvious so I think you are already notified ).
Has anyone found something similar to this that supports RF/Microwave circuits. This could do wonders to teaching the smith chart, matching impedance and so on.
Or what's the probability this site will add RF in the future?
Haha yes, you can use a depletion mode MOSFET most times as a sub. Getting accurate clipping sounds though is difficult (and critical for creating guitar amps).
It was originally developed as a Java applet by Paul Falstad. As Java in the browser got more and more troublesome I modified it to work with HTML 5 for a plug-in free experience. We agreed to release the new version as GPL: https://github.com/sharpie7/circuitjs1/network