Sandstorm does additionally protect people (and you) from your business model changing, "self hosting" is a pipedream for most people without sandstorm.
I think journaling is an ok word for what its worth. You might add some actions that people can do with it however ie "you can replay and review any changes". Its a great feature its a question of lighting up their brain the right way.
Oh, I like replay and review! My brain was stuck on Git lingo, like show and revert, though these seem much more natural.
I agree with your comment about protecting people, this is one of the reasons the server is also open source. Though I believe that if the need arises and demand is there, either myself or someone else will make it happen, and I already share all the tools (code) to make it happen, so people are protected.
I think journaling is an ok word for what its worth. You might add some actions that people can do with it however ie "you can replay and review any changes". Its a great feature its a question of lighting up their brain the right way.