>If you put an upper limit, you'll have people stop once they hit that limit.
By that logic most scientists, philosophers and mathematicians from ancient times till now wouldn't have had the incentive to do anything.
Einstein didn't discover relativity because he thought he would become a billionaire. Isn't that a "moonshot".
But the people whose contribution is fractional compared to intellectual giants think their ability to sell, market etc should be awarded with insane amount of wealth.
The rampant egotism is forgetting that we stand on shoulders of giants, on the contribution of entire society from the discovery of fire, invention of wheel, language etc till now. To ignore the casual chain of determinism, and claim "I" alone did it through my "efforts" is insane.
Different people are motivated by different things.
While its true that scientists and engineers and everyone else have done a great deal in advancing things, the sad reality is that unless someone fronts the money, nothing will get done.
>the sad reality is that unless someone fronts the money, nothing will get done.
Its not the natural law of universe which cannot be changed. We humans create the systems of economic organization. So if you agree that profit is not main motivation for many creative jobs, then perhaps the optimization function of the economy should not be to optimize for monetary profits.
So perhaps other modes of economic organization be explored?
Well, the natural law here is that we need access to resources to do anything. And money is basically a proxy for it. Until we solve the resource problem, I think other economic systems would eventually run into trouble as well. Its human nature to try to game the system.
Or is the system is designed to give wrong incentives?
I don't think we have enough evidence for what you take as "human nature". On the contrary the anthropological studies in Debt: The First 5000 Years
Book by David Graeber, we have evidence of many primitive societies behaving more communal fashion.The resources though scarce is shared with the commune.
By that logic most scientists, philosophers and mathematicians from ancient times till now wouldn't have had the incentive to do anything.
Einstein didn't discover relativity because he thought he would become a billionaire. Isn't that a "moonshot".
But the people whose contribution is fractional compared to intellectual giants think their ability to sell, market etc should be awarded with insane amount of wealth.
The rampant egotism is forgetting that we stand on shoulders of giants, on the contribution of entire society from the discovery of fire, invention of wheel, language etc till now. To ignore the casual chain of determinism, and claim "I" alone did it through my "efforts" is insane.