I'm neither a democrat nor a republican, I just think that the things he says are what a chump who thinks he has useful answers because he wrote a popular comic would say.
Gem from today: "Acting irrational is textbook persuasion. In this context, a mental patient and a Master Persuader look identical to the observer."
Looks like he's sponged up just enough game theory to rationalize madman theory. Make what you will of his page on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams
post script: the only thing I know is that attempting to show others what you know/opine makes them know what they already know more intensely. Meaning, if my comment does anything but raise an eyebrow, simply wipe the memory of my comment and discard my opinion. The last thing I'd want is people who like Dilbert to adhere to Scott Adams' beliefs for the sake of having to protect their enjoyment of Dilbert, I guess..