A brand new kind of [nearly] POSIX compliant shell can be found here, in a little project called "Linux on the Web" (requires Chrome): https://linuxontheweb.appspot.com
The main JS file that implements it is currently showing less than 6k lines (which doesn't include the lexer/tokenizer, in another file, and adds another couple thousand).
I have seen silly toys in websites that have superficial resemblances to *nix shells, but this one seriously borders on 100% standards compliance. Most users will want to run this command upon system "bootup":
$ import fs
... which loads in a lot of typical filesystem related commands like cp, mv, rm, and less. The command to edit files is:
$ edit file_name.txt
... which you can throw a '-c' flag in order to create a new, empty file at the same time. Alt+s to save edits, Ctrl+x to exit. Several nano key bindings apply.
You can do something like this to see the gui in action:
The main JS file that implements it is currently showing less than 6k lines (which doesn't include the lexer/tokenizer, in another file, and adds another couple thousand).
I have seen silly toys in websites that have superficial resemblances to *nix shells, but this one seriously borders on 100% standards compliance. Most users will want to run this command upon system "bootup":
$ import fs
... which loads in a lot of typical filesystem related commands like cp, mv, rm, and less. The command to edit files is:
$ edit file_name.txt
... which you can throw a '-c' flag in order to create a new, empty file at the same time. Alt+s to save edits, Ctrl+x to exit. Several nano key bindings apply.
You can do something like this to see the gui in action:
$ import gui && desk
Then you are on the desktop. You can do an Alt+t to open the terminal while there. This is a decent video to start out with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tl8I8YcH7g
A couple other recent videos can then be found from there.