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Sorry, but I don't think you understand what a public blockchain is and the improvements/innovations that it requires to sustain a higher volume with faster blocks creation. This is connected to what you said about issuing tokens: last week Status.im (shameless plug: security audited by my company) related transactions caused a DDoS over the Ethereum network, which it means that we need to improve the current blockchains to support the kind of innovations you like.

On the other hand, lowering the barrier for issuing equity or app coins make creating scams or tempting people to run with a lot of money trivial. A recent Fred Wilson's post[1] about this makes the point very clear.

Lastly, not everything can be descentralized because you are challenging computation limitations and/or you need oracles outside the network that are the weakest point of the whole system.

[1] Buyer Beware - VC Fred Wilson on ICOs https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6h7d0j/buyer_bewa...

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